Sump help

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Unregistered Member
Aug 28, 2006
Shoreline, Washington
I'm going to be building a new sump for my tank and need some help as to how it should be designed. I currently have a 10 gallon and I just have my skimmer in there and it's not skimming to its full potential because the water level fluctuates so much. The sump will be a standard 20 gallon. I just need a skimmer compartment and a small fuge section. My skimmer is an Octo Extreme 200, Footprint: 11.5 inches X 13.5 inches. I can stick my skimmer in a 10 gallon. I have a small eheim return pump so I don't need a large section for that. If someone can draw up some diagrams or just post the dimensions it would be really great. The main thing is keeping the water level in the skimmer section at 8" or so. Thanks in advanced, Luis.
I'm going to be building a new sump for my tank and need some help as to how it should be designed. I currently have a 10 gallon and I just have my skimmer in there and it's not skimming to its full potential because the water level fluctuates so much. The sump will be a standard 20 gallon. I just need a skimmer compartment and a small fuge section. My skimmer is an Octo Extreme 200, Footprint: 11.5 inches X 13.5 inches. I can stick my skimmer in a 10 gallon. I have a small eheim return pump so I don't need a large section for that. If someone can draw up some diagrams or just post the dimensions it would be really great. The main thing is keeping the water level in the skimmer section at 8" or so. Thanks in advanced, Luis.

I'm no pro at drawing, but I can tell you that the water level can easily be controlled if you have an ATO unit filling it. That's really the key to making sure your sump and skimmer are running far as water level goes.
Since I've always refilled by hand I don't have experience with ATOs. Do they keep an exact water level? Or is there a range? Thanks
ATO's keep an exact water level. With a sump the size of yours I would only do an intake section, Skimmer section, baffles and return section. You want to make your return section as large as possible as this is where your level will fluctuate. Use your old 10 GAL as a fuge if your really need one. You can easily use a small baffle and egg crate with a small pump to feed the fuge back to the tank.

I just finished building a new sump for my tank so if you have any question let me know.
Ok thanks. So I guess no fuge then. Do you have a link or any plans to make the sump? I took a look at your build thread but I could only see one baffle. Thanks.
My tank has a baffle between the skimmer and fuge and 3 between the fuge and return. melevsreef is a great resource for sump design. You could easily have a fuge using that 10 gal. The pump needs only to be large enough to support the head height
FWIW, I am currently using a 10g as a sump for my 45g tank. I have no baffles and use an ATO from to keep the water level at a constant 8". Sump holds my skimmer, heater, carbon bag, ATO & return pump.

good luck!

Thanks for the input so far guys! I think I'm going to get a 20 gallon tank and use one of the designs off Seems like the best way to go. I also want to add more water volume to the system so using a 20 gallon seems better than sticking with my 10 gal. Thanks!-Luis
so, you need room for that skimmer and a small refugium...
you might want to just use egg crate for all but the end baffles before the return pump.
you could get that gutter guard mesh and ziptie it to the egg crate to prevent algae from going through the baffles.
and yes bro, you needs an ATO!
any pinwheel/meshwheel skimmer pretty much needs to be in the exact same amount of water to operate properly, and with less/no adjustments.

check out youtube for diy vids on making a sump, there's a crapton of them.
there's also melevsreef as well.
Thanks for the help Mark. I've been watching a bunch of youtube videos and have also been looking at some of the sump designs melev has made. I've gotten some good ideas.
The way I have the baffles in my sump. Where my skimmers resides It keeps the water at a constant level no matter what. The only area the water fluctuates is in the return chamber which only holds 7-8 gallons out of the total 70g of water in the sump. My ATO kicks on after about 1.5-2g evaporates.
Do you have a picture of your sump? That's pretty much the main thing I need from this sump, consistent water level for the skimmer. Thanks for the help, Luis.
Cool, thanks!
Enjoy the chicken. :D
I just built this one...10G sump for my 37G corner project.
So basically the 1st chamber is where the DT drains into 1st and that is where the skimmers are. From there it over flows into the second chamber which I leave empty except for the frag plugs I toss in there to cure and then from there it goes under and over into ther return chamber. Pretty simple and effective if you want water level stability for your skimmer.

Here are some pics.






Awesome. Thanks you two! Those pictures make it really easy to get an idea for what I want to do. I think I'll have~drain from tank/skimmer in the same then a bubble trap between that section and the return pump section. Now all I have to do is find a used 20 gallon locally and get some glass cut.
Thanks everyone for the help! I really appreciate it. -Luis