sump lid?

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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2006
Everett, WA
What do people do for sump lids?

I have a large sump with liverock alone and a large ETSS skimmer on one side so I need like 1/4 open for that.
I want to save money and time on water evaporation.
Do you ever have to worry about temperature? The evaporation may be helping to remove some of the heat generated by your halides. How much water are you loosing?

If you're going to cover it, keep in mind that you will want to be able to remove it easily for maintenance and that it should be clear (glass or acrylic) to allow light to help grow any macro algae that you may have. I had to remove my display covers because the bane of my existence was having to clean off salt spray every other day. :doubt:

Also what money are you trying to save? All I can think of is that your RO/DI filter life might improve a little. :?:
maybe try to bring the humidy of the room it self up, that will slow the evap down...

also remove any wind in the room (fans) that will greatly resduce your loss

IMo i would not cover,

invest in a ATo and a nice RODI setup.. 1 time and done
I cover the first 8" because that is where I bring in a 1 1/2" drain from the main display, this reduces splash & salt creep all over but the rest of the 60g sump is open. I run a big fan in the sump to keep that area cool & yes evaporation is necessary for cooling & gas exchange, you need that to help keep your tank stable!
I agree on the lids. I removed mine on an old setup I had to help out with heat issues I was having which contributed alot. If heat isn't an issue, then there is no real problem, but like Brett mentioned which is to use clear over the fuge section and you'd want to keep that cleaned. Also, putting a lid atleast on the input side is a good idea to prevent salt creep and so forth. I had to put stips on my last sump for the same reason:)
Thanks for all your replies! I guess I won't cover it then. I don't have a heat issue in my tank. My halides don't heat it up much. Only about 1 degree, but you're all right about the gas exchange, I hadn't thought about that or the temp increase with the lid on.

I'm buying an RO machine this weekend so that should help with the pain in the ass it is to go to Albertson's all the time.
