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Reef Monkey

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2006
Well I'm about to start my first DIY sump/Refugium. I have two options that I'm looking at and I wanted to get everyone's opinion since I'm not 100% sure of what I'm doing. It's a standard 10 gallon for my 29 gallon display. I'm planning on having a bubble tower (with Live Rubble, lol) and hanging my Remora Pro Skimmer with the Mag 3.

In option A the skimmer section will flow over a single baffle into the Refugium, through a standard bubble trap and then into the return that will contain a Mag 7

In option B the skimmer section will flow through a bubble trap directly into the return area. The Refugium will flow through teeth in a baffle (not sure if it's still called one when the teeth are involved" to the return. In this option the Refugium and Skimmer area will be seperated but I would most split the flow from the overflow between the Skimmer section and Refugium sections.

The reason that my skimmer section is where it is is because my stand doesn't have enough room for the body of my skimmer. I'm planning on hanging my skimmer on the backside of the sump, but outside of the stand and having the Mag 3 and the flow from the skimmer go directly into the skimmer section. Also what thickness of glass should I go with for the baffles? Any suggestion and ideas are welcome and much appreciated.
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I like option 2 I think your corals or what ever is inside will be more calm in that configuration
Thanks aaron, I've been waiting a couple days for a response on this. Thank you for your suggestion, that's the one that I was leaning toward as well. Next time I guess I need to come up with a more catchy title to prompt people to read my post so that I can get more responses.:cry:
To tell you the truth you my want to post in other forums, I post here and reefcentral and wait to diferents point of veiws.
Please contact your Sister in Laws Hubby. He has a extra sump sitting around...
I also like option B. In option A, the skimmer chamber exits into a tight area that will probably be a bit of a bottle neck for flow. As for the thickness of glass, this isn't a stress situation. The glass isn't even holding water back, it's just directing flow, so there's no strain or strength required. 1/8" will be more than adequate. Even 1/8" acrylic would work completely fine.