Sump,Refugium Help

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Jan 20, 2007
I have decided to use a 30 gallon aquarium for my sump,refugium set-up.
I already know from using a 20 gallon tank with about 6 1/2" of water in it that with a power failure it is fine have about 2" to spare.
So that brings me to my next ?.
The different designs.
Refugium in the middle,on the end.
Two sets of 3 baffles with the refugium in the middle,just one set with one baffle and some egg crate on the end by the return like Melves.
I think you want a good amount of water in the skimmer section where the return comes in and I can adjust the height of the pump for the skimmer (Coralife super skimmer 125)
I have the funds to get everything else I need but need to get this done first so I can set it up with test water and check for leaks and set my auto top off system hooked up.
This is about all I am going to have time for anyway for the next 3 weeks because of my work schedule,12 hrs 4 days 8 hrs,2 days.Moneys great but no time to do any thing.
I work for GE and this is scheduled power outage season and I make the parts for the turbines.
So I would just like to bring the 30 gallon aquarium to the glass shop right around the corner from me and have them do it.
Can u all give me a diagram to bring them I not sure about the baffle height and think I understand alot about how it all works but for now I just want to take your diagram and get it done so I can go on with every thing else.
I am 53 and have had FW for years and plan on taking my time and learning but have to get set up first.............LOL
Welcome to RF Phil! Hope you enjoy it here:) Here are a few question we'd need to some get feedback on first to know which direction to point you in...

(1) Is this a standard 30 gal all-glass tank? If not, what are the tanks dimensions?

(2) Are you planning/wanting to have a section for a fuge or it doesn't matter?

(2) Does your skimmer require a certain water level to opperate and if so, what's the max height so we can know how high to make the baffles? We'll also need to know the dimensions on the skimmer to know how big to make that chamber?

(3) Lastly...Which return pump will you be using and will it be used internally or externally? We'll need to know the dimensions on the pump if used in-sump to know how big to make that chamber as well.:)
Hi Kirsh,
Lets see if I can answer your questions.
(1) I was using a standard 30 gal all-glass tank as my model,but thought that if I was going to have the glass place do the baffles I would ask them about building the whole thing and then I could make it 16" wide.
(2)Yes I want a refugium.My thoughts were to start with FOWLR and thats where I am at,but as I was told by someone else in the hobby that there is only a 20% chance I will stay FOWLR and I agree knowing myself.Thats why I am looking at T5 lights that I can use more as I get going if you can see where I am coming from.
(3)Thats a good question as I don't know alot about them.It's a Coralife super skimmer 125.
Had it in a 20 gallon aquarium and needed 12 x12 with the box that hangs on the side for the return,or bubble diffuser.
Instructions say the top of the pump must be 3"-4" max below the water line.
(4)Return pump is a quietone 4000 hh and can be outside or in.
I have it in because I don't want to prime it.For inside I only need 5" for it.
I see Brian gave you a great link to check out! He is a sponsor here and owns IAP where they build tanks, sumps etc and is very knowledgeable! Maybe you can check out his website and take a look at a few of the custom sumps there:)

Now, going on your skimmer (if this is the right one) leaves you with tons of room in your sump for other equipment, more space for a refugium etc seeing the skimmer won't need to sit in the sump unless you need it to. Here is a simple design I just sketched that could work.

Baffle 1 will only need to be as high as you need the water level set for the skimmer to function properly. I guess you'll have to hang the skimmer on the sump and see how low the pump drops and then measure from there.

Baffle 2 is the beginning of the bubble trap and also will be the deciding height for the refugium's water level which I guess you'll have to decide on what height will work best for your application. I set a sump of mine (shown in the attachments below) with the water level only 3 inches from the top and was fine when I shut off the return pump to not overflow. It was cutting it close, but I wanted more volume in the sump and also, needed it set to a certain height for my skimmer.

Baffle 3 you can have them space that one off about 1 - 1.5 inches apart from baffle 2 and also 1 inch off of the bottom of the sump.

Baffle 4 you can use the same spacing as you did between the 2 previous baffles and can set the height of that baffle to the same height as baffle 2. Some people prefer to do their bubble trap in reverse with water going under, over, under, but I have had great success with this design. This is just one example I wanted to throw out there as there are many many other options you could go with. Hope it helps some and atleast gives you somthing to work with:)

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Thanks Krish that helps out alot.
As far as the skimmer goes and yes you have the right one,it says 3-4" max below water level for the pump what is the reason for this?I can adjust this by changing the tubing but there must be a reason and a depth where it will work the best right?
I guess the skimmer performs at it's best being no more than 4 inches below the water quite possibly do to the amount of flow the pump puts out making it ineffective any lower. That's only my guess...:)
I work for GE and this is scheduled power outage season and I make the parts for the turbines.

I make turbine vanes at Pratt & Whitney so you better watch yourself! "the eagle is everywhere!" :lol:

Welcome to RF! :)

As far as the skimmer goes and yes you have the right one,it says 3-4" max below water level for the pump what is the reason for this?

It is a venturi type skimmer right? The deeper the pump the deeper the venturi has to pull the air. At 4" the venturi is not able to pull enough air to sustain proper operation of the skimmer. You should locate that venturi as close to the surface as possible, for the most efficient operation. More air means more bubbles.
Yea, I work at GE in Schenectady,NY
Hey thanks for the imfo on my skimmer pump,Im new to this and the instructions said 3-4" deep max,guess I should have figured about what you said but I'm still learning haven't even saw it work, and I was thinking of how my return pump was to shallow when I first ran test water and I had it to close to the surface.So I figured 3" was good but I didn't think about the air situation and now that I think about it make sense,learn something new every day.
Another question I think I've seen people run the return from the skimmer into the refugium is there any benefit from this, I would have to modify mine to do that?
Do you know Denny McMahon?
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Another question I think I've seen people run the return from the skimmer into the refugium is there any benefit from this, I would have to modify mine to do that?

Typically people will have the skimmer in the first chamber where the water enters the sump so that it can get a shot at all the nasty water coming in. That's really the only benefit I can think of why people do it that way which is why I do it that way as well:)
Yeah!!! I'm a Bears fan so of course!! It's been too long since the Bears have been to the superbowl. Hopefully they remember what to do:p