Survivor: Gabon

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i would say the idol will deffinatly be coming out next week.however she may be aware that people are going to look so she might hide it or give it to ace or someone else to throw a monkey wrench. i also think randy will be a player to watch he does just enough to not draw too much attention and keeps fairly quiet. last night proved he is valuable to his tribe
OH - that's right! I forgot in the previews for next week she says something to Ace about giving him the idol. UGH - I can't imagine that working in her favor. I still don't know if Ace is sincere about taking her to the end. Seems like a line of BS to me.
Yep, a line of BS is right. Man, that bugs me that Sugar told Ace about her find. His tone regarding the control of the game or whatever he said (I'd have to look on the DVR to be sure) was somewhat arrogant. Not surprised, somewhat expected. He has some magnetism when it comes to the girl it seems. Sugar needs to be her own girl, maybe she should come forward about the idol. I'm surprised someone didn't steal it already. Rupert would have, I'll tell you that,(one of my favorite players from the past).

Man, you guys are right, Randy stepped it up big time. He was really negative at first, now he has his tribe members calling him when food is split up....he's like..."naw, I think I'll take a dip in this beautiful water instead" You guys go ahead. The tribe is definitely not hurting for food are they.

Sheesh, what about paddling out in a canoe with an elephant on the bank gesturing that he'll take you out at any given moment...exciting for them, I would think twice about that move.

I was hoping for a surprise at tribal last episode. I hope they start switching it up a bit soon!
Yeah, that would be good. Maybe someone besides Sugar will be sent to exile island...that would be good.

Go Bob!
I don't know about anyone else, but I was totally psyched over Thursday's episode! I was afraid they were going to go with the same-ole same-ole at tribal, but was glad to see a twist when they voted Ace out. The next few weeks should get interesting with the idol in Sugar's possession. Looking forward to Thursday night!
Possible Gabon spoiler...

Ya, Ace is out, Ace is out!!! I was happy about that too. He was too full of himself and Sugar blind-sided him....nice move girl!

I think I saw the short preview clips for this week that there is a merge? Anybody else seen this on TV yet? That will be interesting. I'm excited to see what happens next.
artguy - I saw that, too. Merger should bring some interesting drama....
OMG!!! Where do I even start?? I'm totally bummed that Marcus was voted off!!! What a great twist to the show! What's the deal with Kenny thinking he has all of this control, and I totally believed Crystal when she said she was not going to write down Marcus' name. Woohoo! I love when the show keeps me guessing.

BTW - I half expected someone to swim out and get the idol they sent off to sea. Randy seems to be sitting pretty right now.
Buckwheat, you and I are thinking the same thing...

I live out in Seattle very close to Puget Sound and not too far the the Pacific Ocean. I can't tell you guys how many times we have found floating things after a high tide...ala a floating bottle not thrown too far out. I wonder if Marcus only heaved that bottle far enough to be believable, planning to return later to walk the beach...I guess he didn't have that chance!!! He's gone, wow, what a surprise.

So, did anybody believe Crystal had this unscrupulous power? She is having a major impact on the game, basically undermining two major players in 2 tribal councils _back-to-back_

My gut feeling was that Crystal didn't really know what was going on, how wrong is that...and Kenny, huh, I dunno NaH20, you and I are on the same page there...he thinks he has control, we'll see how things shake out...Sugar might be a bit bitter towards him now after the Ace debacle...(which I loved BTW)

How about my choice Bob, strong in the "hold your arms out with the poles" challenge. I am more impressed every week. He didn't win but gave Matty a BIG run for the money.

Later Gabon-ites
Survivor bump to top

Gabon-ites Unite!

I just had to say that! It is Thursday, anybody have any thoughts on Survivor tonight?
That dam bottle had to of come back to the beach, someone went back!

Ha! Wouldn't that be an awesome twist??

I'm so psyched about tonight! I wonder what is going to happen with Kenny. Gaaa I love Thursdays!

*ok - does that mean I'm lame and pathetic?? lolol
Well, I was reeeaaallly bummed to see Charlie go. I was hoping for Crystal, since she broke her "newly formed bond" with Marcus. Can't wait to see what unfolds, and who will switch sides. I wonder when the back stabbing will get really bad.

BTW - I loooove Bob. I loved when he made his own immunity idol. It looked pretty damn good, too.
Gabon minus Charlie, Darn it

Well, I was reeeaaallly bummed to see Charlie go. I was hoping for Crystal, since she broke her "newly formed bond" with Marcus. Can't wait to see what unfolds, and who will switch sides. I wonder when the back stabbing will get really bad.

BTW - I loooove Bob. I loved when he made his own immunity idol. It looked pretty damn good, too.

Charlie was sure surprised, that's for sure. Crystal was close but that side had the numbers...should be interesting now that there is an individual immunity challenge.

Yep, Bob slipped by due to the merge I believe. He sure had awesome technique for the "slingshot golf challenge". He sure has the creativity of the group, his false immunity idol might be his best plan for survival. we'll have to wait & see what he does with that.

One thing to remember, the jury is starting to form now. Game play will tighten up a bit I suspect!
Survivor Nobag spoiler for 11/20 episode

OK, so how "bad to the bone" is Bob...I mean really...Nobag members were going to vote him out. Randy does his somewhat typical negative behavior, and gets most of the Nobag folks dislike him enough to want him out of the tribe.

Yeah, comes Bob's creativity again...with the fake idol, Randy is frothing at the mouth for the idol he thinks Bob has... so Bob is informed via Sugar and BAM, next thing you know Randy walking into the great African night with most of the tribe pleased as punch.

Jury members are stunned

Pretty sweet don't ya think, he actually was a strong player especially in the challenges.

Did anybody laugh along with Susie? I did like the part showing Bob on the knoll overlooking the valleys of Africa. That was cool.

:)I thought it was a great episode.
this season has been a little surprising, i thought bob was a gonner this week sugar is stirring the pot and pullin moves and crystal is still in the game, oh and lets not forget about kenny. susie was smart to flip sides, she has lasted alot longer than she would have if she maintained her alliance. i love this game
Survivor bump to top

Bob and his second fake idol....gotta like that. He is proving to be quite the problem solver...still fun to watch Survivor on Thursday nights...anybody still watching?
Bob and his second fake idol....gotta like that. He is proving to be quite the problem solver...still fun to watch Survivor on Thursday nights...anybody still watching?

i m still watching, i dont miss an episode. the second fake idol almost worked. that would have been the biggest upset in survivor history in my opinion:) it is getting really good. i am also a fan of big brother:)
Our old yellow lab died a few weeks ago, and I hadn't been posting much :(, but I have been watching Survivor.

OK - here's the thing that I thought was really really dumb. Why on earth did Kenny put down Mattie's name?? Just a recap....Kenny was going to vote for Mattie, and he talked Crystal into voting for Corrine. If he and Crystal were trying to flush out the idol, and then get Mattie eliminated, they could have accomplished it with Kenny voting for Corrine, too. Mattie would have had 2 votes, while Corrine had all the others. Corrine would have played the idol (which they thought was real), she would have stayed, and the person with the next highest votes (Mattie with 2) would have been eliminated. All Kenny did now was create havoc for himself. Woohoo! I love it though!! I can't believe the season finale is this weekend.

The smart thing, though, is the fake idol wasn't "played". That means Bob can still pretend it is real...."Why didn't Corrine play the idol??". He could make it seem like Corrine wasn't smart about it.

If I was Sugar, I certainly wouldn't want to face the jury. I can't wait until they start scrambling to impress the jury.