Switching Salts

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Well-known member
May 16, 2007
When changing salts how much should I switch at a time? 5%? I was going from Oceanic to Reef Crystals
b4 mixing?

Im not sure if its a big deal.. but asumeing that your doing your water changes correctly, i dont see why you cant just mix from now on with the new salt... and do water chagnes slowly over the next week...

i dont think you need to mix salt. b4 its mixed..

just mix with the new salt.. and do several small water changes,
you could start with a 50/50 mix of both salts then taper off the old salt with future water changes...
we switched from instant ocean to reef crystals without batting an eye. they're made by the same company and we do 10g water changes in a 92g + 20g sump - 130# liverock. You can always make the water for your change and just do half today, half tomorrow or something to taper it more?
I've switched salts quite a few times and never seemed to have much of a problem, and the store I work for switches fairly frequently and I haven't noticed any affects. however, we don't have any sps in those tanks they might be more sensitive to it
I like RC & get it cheap at Dr. Foster & Smith.

I'd so small WC's weekly with the new batch & go with it, like 5% rather your normal 10%, JMO. Throw out the Oceanic.
I recently switched from Oceanic to Instant Ocean. I just did small water changes weekly for a while. and now my hair aglae is almost gone, just thought I'd throw that in.