switching tanks

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Nov 14, 2005
I am moving all my fish,LR, etc.. from one 55g tank to another, and was planning on putting everything in a 10g tank while I do the switch

Live stock is 2 clownfish, 1 rose tipped anemone, 1 coral beauty, few polyps, LR & sand.

I figured I could dump the exceess rock in a tub and put the livestock in the 10g tank.

but I am a bit concerned with handling the anemone, do I just get gloves on and put it in a bag and move it over or is there something special I should do?
Also in the 10g I planned on filling it u p 50-75% with tank water from the main tank and quite a bit of LR.

Does this sound ok? First time breaking down the tank and moving the fish/coral around.
I did mine like that!
I used the time to do a big water change (50%) and everything lived and was fine!
I pulled all the rock first (after putting tank water in a holding tub) then caught the fish and put them in the tub also, then switched tanks and re scaped with the rock and put the NEW water in also then the fish last.
The tricky part is keeping the corals from stinging each other and the BTA was kinda tricky also because he was STUCK to a rock.
I just lifted the rock out and put it in the holding tub in the same position it was in the tank and did the same when putting back in the new tank!
agreed sounds like that will work fine, as far as the anemone just move it on the rock it is stuck to or pick it up and move it over. Make sure the new tank's temp and salinity are close to the tank the animals came out of. This will make thier transfer easier on them.
The Anemone is on the glass, don't want to injure it by pulling it off or anything. is it ok to wiggle it off and put it in a bowl and move it over?

agreed sounds like that will work fine, as far as the anemone just move it on the rock it is stuck to or pick it up and move it over. Make sure the new tank's temp and salinity are close to the tank the animals came out of. This will make thier transfer easier on them.
I would just slide your fingers under it to loosen the foot. I had to do this every time I sold one of my rose anemones. It is alot harder when it is attached to a rock. But it works. As long as you do not pinch or open the foot it will be fine. Take your time and do it slowly.
or take a powerhead and aim it directly at him so when you see him start to move it will be alot easier to pick him up :)
I had a bubble tip really attached to a very porous rock, I pulled it out and scraped him off with my finger nails, there were bits of him still on the rock and at one point I thought I crushed his mouth pulling so hard, I stuck him in the new tank and in a couple of days he looked better than the one I left in the other tank, 3 weeks later he split again.. They are pretty durable...

My question is about moving the sand, everyone says "warning" when moving sand, could you move the sand and wait a couple of days to settle and then water change? I have to move my 75 into a 120.
yeah, that's what I was thiking baout today.. how to move the sand.

I had a bubble tip really attached to a very porous rock, I pulled it out and scraped him off with my finger nails, there were bits of him still on the rock and at one point I thought I crushed his mouth pulling so hard, I stuck him in the new tank and in a couple of days he looked better than the one I left in the other tank, 3 weeks later he split again.. They are pretty durable...

My question is about moving the sand, everyone says "warning" when moving sand, could you move the sand and wait a couple of days to settle and then water change? I have to move my 75 into a 120.
When I did my tank I just added new crushed coral with a couple of scoops from the original for seeding purposes. It seemed to work out just fine. No cycle at all. Of course I used most of the water as well but still you shouldn't see much of one at all.
When i did my tank change i bought new sand and then seeded it with a few cups of the original sand and i had no problems and everything went just fine no coral or fish losses. Also if you use the original sand be sure to clean it pretty well before it goes into the new tank so you dont take all the waste and build up from the bottom of your original tank.