Swollen Acros

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May 30, 2010
Spokane Valley, WA
I just copied and pasted posts from another forum, so some info is repeated.

First Post:
So I just was looking at my new setup, the 45, and noticed a couple of my acroporas have swollen tissues and polyps. Look like healthy lps flesh. Not both on any one acro though. Not all acros are affected. They appear fine otherwise. I'll start testing in a second, just looking for some early responses. Parameters and pics in a hour or so(titration, ugh).

Second Post:
Parameters tested so far. Drip, drip, drip...

Salinity- 1.025
Calcium- 415 ppm
Alk- 7.7 dkh(day time)

I'll be dripping kalk in a few minutes.

Pics(camera phone, cropped and enlarged).

See swollen polyp on far right.

Hard to see, but see the "bubbling" on the rear tips.

Only things new, i just upped my vodka(+.25 mL/day) in this tank(would expect the opposite though) and treated for redbugs about two weeks ago.

Back to testing...

Third Post:
More results.

Magnesium- 1230 ppm
Temp- 81 F
Nitrate- undetectable
Phosphate- undectectable
Lighting- 6 hour photoperiod with 2x250 mh 14k, 18 white and blue LEDs and 10w t5 20000k for viewing other 6 hours before and after(staggered on/off).
2 mL of vodka daily, just increased .25/day yesterday, 60 mL vinegar nightly(mixed with two teaspoons kalk per gallon, my standard practice for years).

I'll check my alk in the morning too to check day/night swing, but it's been less than .25 dkh so far(drip kalk at night).

All test kits are salifert. I'll see about borrowing a hanna phosphate meter, but I don't know anyone that has one. I'll have to make some calls.

The newest addition was added when all the others(frags from corals I've had for along time) were added, about 2 weeks ago, an ORA Frogskin, direct from ORA into my tank.

Changed my small bag of carbon that I run passively, just in case of some contaminate. Water change day is Saturday. Unless it's felt strongly I do so, no plans to do it early.

Like I said otherwise they look great, growing and coloring up.

I'm at a loss, maybe it's nothing, idk.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
It is not common but does happen from time to time on SPS corals. It goes away on its own. I have been unable to find the cause. At first I thought it was the use of Interceptor at high doses but I was unable to repeat the effect. I tried varying levels of ozone, alkalinity, magnesium, calcium, salinity, food, no food, and temperature. None of them were able to make the effect come or go. I had 3-4 colonies total of Pocillopora and Acropora with swollen areas .250 in diameter out of 50 or so colonies. The affected areas did not die off and once they returned to normal have not shown any lasting effects.

We've seen this from time to time. Sometimes it looks like your photos and others even more pronounced. I saw a few other people speculating about excessive use of amino acids. We were dosing aminos in all the tanks we saw it happen in. We cut Amino use and they went away. At this point seems like a fairly valid theory to us. Do you use anything that supplements aminos?
Thanks for the response. I don't dose any amino acids. Other forums are coming up with a similar answer, possibly not a big deal. If I notice anything else, I'll chime in. Thanks again.