T5 lights fact or fiction?

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thanks. a little luck goes a long way in this hobby. yeah the thermal shock is nice going from outside to in, but visa vera aahhh. i always think of that "good dog" commerial. will try to adjust it when the main lighting goes on and have been thinking of getting a clip on little plastic fan for the sump. use to have one but my better half took it to work and i have not seen it since. it is suppose to get up into the 100's this week. geuss i will go surfing all day get nice and toasty then walk into my new freezer house:). i do think the price of the T5's will go down, many warehouses are changing their halo and MH lighting to the T5's, cheaper running cost. plus they just really started to show up in all the LFS. but like everything for most change is hard. even though we know there are different ways of doing things that work equally as well, most will stick with what has worked in the past. i have two systems one with a skimmer one not, both doing great. the no skimmed system houses softies and zoo and stuff, they eat up a lot of zooplankton, photoplankton ect..they seem to do better in the unskimmed system(much bigger extenstions seen in polyups). sps and lps in the skimmed tank, sps dont do so good with an unskimmed system LPS had mixed results. but most would say no way to a unskimmed system for whatever is in the tank and never even try it to see if its better or not. i believe in providing the best enviorment for the animals as i can. money being the limiting factor. for shallow tanks T5's are a good option. look at it this way just the fact that so many are having success and that so many are comparing them to MH and the fact that many "experts" are changing what they say, says lot about them. most that say no way have never even seen them, maybe in a photo or box but not on a tank, let alone the effects they have on the corals. i always like to check things out for myself, of course do research but i dont mind being the ginnie pig from time to time. what got me to try them was seeing them on a awsome tank at the LFS, with mostly sps, for the past couple years. that and all the arguing i see and do lead me to testing myself. now i must check them out long term. good luck to each of you and happy reefing :D so until next time be seeing ya lates.
I will check out the 80 w lights. I am sure I will try them before MH now. Also, I had to put a fan in the sump. Just a ten dollar cheapy around 8" and dropped the temp 3+ deg on its lowest setting. Also eats about three gallaons a day! LOL... I have A/C in my house set at 74 and tank still wanted to climb over 82 deg. Must be the mag12?
In my sons temporary 125 gallon 72x18x21.5 tank with 2 250 watt m.h. and 135 watts of p.c. it has not gotten above the outside temperature
what do you have for pumps and lights and hood I use the plastic eggcrate cut for the top of a tank so it is open and no wrasse can get out and fans can blow across it ?
I built the hood ( temperary for now) and holds the heat. This is probably the issue with heat. I have covers for the two openings on top of the tank but do not use them as I think they would raise the temp. Only using 4X65 watt PC and two 175 watt VHO.

This arangement is only temperary as I get propper lighting. Only have live rock and one P Clown. I still have to drain 1/2 the tank to install C/L system. Lots to do so little time. Of course it would have been done by now if i was not spending so much time on these boards! Of course it would not be done right but would be done none the less. LOL

I kicked out the FW fish from the 29 and turned it into a QT tank so my little clown will reside there during the re- haul.
lol my tank eats up about 3 gal(2.5ish) top off a day too. do you have a acrylic? they are more like insulaters. acrylic dosent use convection and radiation as well, because the top is not open like glass tanks but does use it (3gal a day worth). also in a cool room glass uses conduction rather effectively, acrylic on the other hand is a poor conducter. its like using vinyl tubbing in a chiller.
yes, it is an acrylic tank. My 30 gal sump is glass and that is where I put the fan. I was looking under the tank a while ago and my heater was on! I set it at 78 deg so The temp would more than likley drop another 3 deg W/O.

I would probably have no problem with with T5's heating everything up if I built a ventilated hood W/ a couple of fans and put my lids on top. My overflow is completly maxed out. If I was using a glass tank it would definately overflow spilling water everywhere. Had me a little worried at first but has been set up for about three months now and no problems. Looks very cool with NO water line.
I am helping someone set up a tank that is 21" deep and am contemplating T5 lighting. Is there any update on this topic? I currently run metal halides, but have always liked the T5 set-up. Plus I think it would be a good option for my friend due to the easy scaleability with retro systems. It is a 48" long 75 gallon tank. The highest light demanding corals will likely be an anemone, clams, and then next in line will probably be some monti cap and frogspawn. The only worries really are the anemone, plus he may want to try some sps down the road. The two options I am struggling with is a dual 250 watt set-up with 12-14k bulbs or a 6 bulb T-5 (324 watts) that can be increased to 8 bulbs if needed. Is anybody running pure T5s out there with some good insight?
prow when you compared the PAR of the T5 vrs the MH set up, what lamps as in kelvin were you using to do this comparison, the PAR on the MH seemed very low compared to others most used.
yup it went to my email. been awhile. tank i still going strong. a few changes. i raised the lights up to 5" off the top. and yup still T5's. the T5's work great. clams, acros, millos and even the anemone in the corner where it does not get too much light, all doing great with some good growth. even towards the bottom. now i only run all 6 bulbs for 4 hours and then 3 the rest of the time for a total of 10hours. so its 3 on x3hours then 6 on x4hours then 3 on x3hours. running all 6 was way way too much. burnt a couple corals before i fiq that out. i also think i moved the tank from the back room to front. its been where it is now since 6-15-06, that when i started stocking it. here are some growth pics over the last year. sorry about the pic some i just took. and the resizeing thing i think i went to small. but i hope you can see them if not i have chronicle thread here http://www.reefsanctuary.com/forums/reef-chronicles/13063-pic-my-new-150gal-system.html sorry its not here but i started it there and just kept that one thread for the tank.

this guy has blue polyups, cant seem to get the blue to show in a pic. but you can see the growth, a few more coming.
couple more, this guy is about 3" from the bottom
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here is some more, i messed up on the last one, those are not the same coral togather.:p this one is about 5" for the bottom
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these are just some of the growth. in my chronicle you can see more. the clams have grown almost 2" in the last year. i even had some browning on one of my arco's that i thought was due to lighting. but nope, it was water flow related, too strong at night. fixed that and the acro has recovered. you can see that in the chronicle too. if you click myreefspace under my name over there i have some more pics there too. its like my space but for reefs. its in the thread i gave to my tank but this is all T5's even my refugium is light up with T5's. for sps no prob T5's work well. my clams love it too. there is more on everthing in the chronicle. more shots of the more demanding things.

scooterman, i forgot which MH bulbs i used, even forgot which T5's bulbs i used. i will have to see if i can find the tests, i logged them in my computer somewhere. actually i am using different bulbs on the T5's to. 3blue+,2aquablues and a 3000k sun. i will try to get a better tank shot.
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ok here are some shots from last month. you see those little frags have really started to grow. the down time for growth, the slowing for 6months was because i took off my Careactor and went with just kalk, that did not keep up so the Ca reactor went back up and the growth rates went up big time. the next six months should show real good growth. at least i am expecting it. here is the best pic to show the corals, IMO, i have.
humm i think the pic are too small. you can not even see the blasto's. i had to move them down and under a ledge, too much light for them. o and on the brain and candy cane i had to add some tinted acrylic to dim the light for them, still the candycanes could do with a little less light. i even have mushes in there, far bottom corner but their there.
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ok i looked at my chronicle and did have a good pic of the basto's so i just took one, had these about a year as most of these corals, all started out under 1" frags. man i think i am coming down wtih pic fever. i feel the need to update my photos on everything.