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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2007
I have a 75 gallon salt water fish tank with corals. I was wondering what type of tang i could put in there i also have a pair of clowns and an algae blenny. I would like to get a tang that would have alot of colors. Any ideas of other fish would be appriciated.
thank you
i would have to agree with the above... imo even a 75g is too small for most tangs... if you are set on having one a yellow is your best bet.... ive kept tangs in my 120 but feel that isnt even big enough long term... i currently have a naso (that was given to me) and love it but am looking for a larger tank for it... fwiw, i have also kept a desjardini and a clown tang who now reside in a friends 600g display.... also, i have found that more (qty) smaller fish add more movement to a tank andproduce less waste than 1 or 2 big fish... hth

To be honest, most tangs need a tank that is at least 6ft in length as they are constantly moving and grazing all day. So what ever you decide, be aware the tang will have to be moved to a larger tank eventually.

Do you plan on upgrading your 75g tank anytime soon??

I have had my yellow tang for a year and a half and it seem to be doing well. I have a 55 gal. and keep an eye out for signs of stress in my tang. If the time comes I will find it a larger home.
Dustin, yes, I would recommend a Yellow Tang over a Hippo Tang for a tank that size. A 75 is the bare minimum for any Tang and about all I'd try keeping in that size tank would be a Yellow or Scopas Tang. A Hippo Tang just gets too large and grows too fast. Keeping it in too small an environment will only enhance it's well gifted ability of picking up Ich where none seems to exist...lol.
are there any other fish besides a tang that you guys would recomened?
like what other smaller fish would do well that are colorful?
It will also be a reef tank eventually with all types of coral and a clam or two
anthias, assessors, dottybacks, chromis, and some wrasses... these fish all stay relatively small and add great color and movement to a tank
Six line wrasses are good esp if you plan on having clams. will control pests that harm clams.
You've gotten a lot of great suggestions already. I'd also choose a yellow tang LONG before ever considering a hippo, myself. I just posted in another forum that I have a 120, and plan on filling it with LOTS of small fish (all the anthias, wrasses, gobies, etc. mentioned above) and a couple larger show fish, like a sailfin tang and a copperband butterfly. The small fish are really what make the reef "live." The other thing I mentioned was to consider selecting fish who have function, as well. The six line wrasse, as mentioned, for pest control. A tang and/or rabbitfish for algae grazing. Gobies for sand sifting... and so on. Then you get beauty AND function!
I'd also choose a yellow tang LONG before ever considering a hippo, myself.
why are you guys hating on hippo's????:D:D i like them best, but they don't need to be in a small space..
Funny, Ron! I was thinking of how you'd react as I was typing that! LOL

I'm just not a fan of the hippo. It gets freakin' huge, and I so rarely see them actually healthy or old.
why are you guys hating on hippo's????:D:D i like them best, but they don't need to be in a small space..

Because so many people have been so irresponsible over the years I think the poor things need a break. I dont agree with the whole six foot tank thing. Ive never had a six foot tank and never will but have had plenty of tangs. Dont tell any one, Ive got a 3" purple in my office 20