Tank birthday, 40 years

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Paul B

Well-known member
Jan 19, 2006
New York
In a couple of weeks my reef will will have reached 40 years old.
Unfortunately I don't remember when I was 40 but I remember when I set it up. I was a skinny 22 year old just back from Viet Nam.
It is still running very well, still using the same reverse UG filter, same dolomite substrait but none of the fish are original. The oldest one, a fireclown is just over 16, all of the older fish died in an accident that was due to my carelessness.

The tank is mostly LPS, gorgonians, giant mushrooms and a few leathers.
There are only three SPS corals, two of which have been with me for a few years and are growing nicely.
I am not sure is any of the original NSW from the Long Island Sound is still in there or any of the original amphipods but maybe much later generations.
I still can't take a decent picture and the tank is not as blue as these pictures but it is what it is.






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Wow that's amazing here I am into the hobby only 6 months and your coming up on 40 years. Btw your tank is really nice!
So Paul, what do you think about your tank today compared to when you first set it up? Does it still bring you the same pleasure it did in keeping a reef? Have you used the same tank or have you moved every thing a few times? You probably talked about that before but I just cant remember.
35 years ago I transfered everything from my 40 gallon tank to this 100 gallon tank when I moved to a new house. But the water, rocks, fish and everything else was just put into a larger tank in an hour.
The tank still excites me, I even like it when something goes wrong which is a rare occurance.
If it runs great for too many years I make sure I tweek something so I could change things.
Now I have a dragon wrasse in there and I will have to catch him when he grows a little.
I get all excited in the summer when I collect stuff in the sea and throw it in there to see if it is beneficial or detrimental.
When I dive I try to find some animal that I have been keeping so I can see how it makes it's living.
I fear my diving days are almost over as I am older now and my knees are not what they used to be. 40 years working construction takes it's toll and they can only operate so many times.
After so many years I get to test my theories that I formed many years ago. Sometimes I find that I was wrong and sometimes I see that I was right.
I have formed many theories in the last 4 decades and am excited to have spent enough time to know which ones were correct.
I know how to keep fish paracite and disease free. I know how to get them to live for many years disease free. I have not lost a fish to disease in maybe 30 years.
I laugh when I see all the "cures" for hair algae, ich, cyano and pop eye.
It seems I have given advice from my experience hundreds of times and people still buy hermit crabs or sea hares for algae and cleaner fish for ich.
I don't even answer those posts any more.
People just have to learn from experience as I did. I am sure I would not take advice when I was young but I was lucky, there was no one with salt water fish to give advice so I had to learn the hard, expensive way.
I think I will have this tank until I croak, at least I hope so. I am 62 now so that may not be that far away. At least not for another 40 years. :biggrin1:
Have a great day guys :)
Will be back in NY in the summer would like to do lunch as a sign of respect. Please let me know if that works for you.

Of course it works for me as long as it is on a weekday. The weekends I spend on the boat and try not to hit dry land much.
PM me or do you want my cell #?
She is about to lay eggs again. This large watchman gobi has been with me for many years along with her boyfriend. She has also laid eggs many times but all the times except once she laid them in places where I can't get to to take a picture. This time she picked a place in the back of the tank where I hope to get a picture of. She already uncovered my UG filter and is fat. I am hoping to see some eggs this week but you never know. She could also just have eaten too many Doritoes and just gotten fat.

This was another batch of eggs from her in another place where it is hard to get a picture
Nice job Paul. I really hope I will be able to manage my tanks for 40 years. Its great that it still brings you enjoyment. It should. Its a great accomplishment. Keep it up. And now I know who to contact for help. Hope you dont mind my picking your brain once in a while. Although I've had my tanks up for two years now with no parisite issues and have battled hair algae and won, there will be issues I know that I will need advise on.
Again great tank, nice job!
I am not sure if you want advice from me. Most people feel my ideas are way old school and can't possably work
I am not sure if you want advice from me. Most people feel my ideas are way old school and can't possably work

I, for one, believe in the "old school" way of doing a lot of things. 40 years has something to say about it! ;)
Congrats Paul....again! New milestones every year with you. I still think your tank is one of my favorites as it looks "natural". To those that don't dive that may not be understood, but to those of us that do your tank is more like what we see in areas that most of us land folks dive at.

And to the comment about old school.....trends come and go, but the old school ways became old school because they weren't trends....they worked and continue to work. I think most people chase trends leading to the demise of their tanks as they change things constantly for the latest "thing". Some learn to just wait and see, but most jump from one trend to another.

Take care and keep doing what works.

Amazing Paul, I was one year old when you set this tank up! LOL :) Very inspirational :high5:

Also Gene at Tropical Showcase not to far from you was just opening up his LFS back then. HE has been a major influences in my hobby since 1979. All the cool guys come from Long Island :D