tank cooling

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sand loving outcast
Jul 11, 2005
well summer is finally here. temp is going to be around 90. just wanted to give some ideas about tank cooling.

on hot days you have to keep your eye on your temp.

clean your chiller's grill

or get a chiller. if not heres some ideas that may help

ice in zip lock bags. float them in the water. they will melt pretty fast so alot of ice may need to be used.

placing fans on the waters surface. a fan blowing across the top of the water will help to disapate the heat away from the tank.

feel free to chime in with more ideas.
Keep your canopy open or off if you lighting permits when using the fans, keep an eye on your sump level you evaporation will increase, you can then top off with a little bit cooler water than what the tank is to keep up with the evaporation and help keep the heat down. Also if you can shorten up the MH lighting or all lighting if you don't have the chiller.

Good topic Diablo I was thinking about posting the same thing last night after I saw the great weather report!

Get rid of lids in your system, such as lids on the sump.

Consider a rollabout airconditioner: 500.00 at Lowe's. They work, they cost a little less than a chiller, and they keep you cool as well as your tank.

If absolutely all else fails, reverse your day/night cycle to have the lights on only during the cool of the world's night.
I keep a one gallon plastic bottle in the freezer and put it in the tank in the morning, it lasts almost all day, then I freeze another one for the next day.
this is what I was hoping to see.. I was really hoping for alot of ideas because I know later tonight and into the summer we will run into these questions. great job reeeeeferrrrrsss!!!!
ok here's some gabster's ideas :D .

1- send your canopy to Gaby (spongebob lover) you don't need it anyways
2- steal your spouse tooth brush and well use yours as well
3- cut some egg crate

Now take off that boring canopy :p (give it to the spongebob fundation for the needy :D ) put your egg crate covering the tank, and mount your MH now use the tooth brushes to put some pressure on the MH and buala no more heat issues :D..... ohh and don't forget to brush your rocks everytime you're doing a water change it makes the rocks cleaners :p .

Serious mode: ok i like to fill my water bottles with RO water and then i just dump them in the sump once i see the tank is starting to get hotter.
i leave my windows open too... hmm i think the only time i use the heater is around December... but then again you would have to get used to seeing tooth brushes :p .
Buy a chiller with a good temp. controller & keep it clean. Run reverse lighting, night time is day for the fishes & day is night for them, this allows to pluses if your a regular day worker. Your house temps. are usually cooler at night, & your home to see your fish with the light on late even, not always practical or convenient but it does help. Is was 97/98 here last week BTW! Fans, more fans, & lost of moving air, ceiling fan always on etc.
If your tank is in a bedroom leave the door open at all times. Heat being blown away from the lights by the fans can heat up the room and raise the tempature of the tank if it has no where to go. I think it works best if you have a fan blowing air into your room verses out.

If you know its going to be ecxeptionally warm one day turn the lights off for that day. Its not like its sunny everyday in the ocean. Your corals will not die from missing one day of sunlight.

Shut your lights off for about 5 hours during the day(at least the Halides). The best time to have them go off is from 11-4(the hottest part of the day).

Open all doors! Wether it is stand doors or canopy doors keep them open for ventilation.

This is a good thread to have.

Check out these chillers , great pricing, the guy runs the website from home with no overhead and just buys bulk , he is a 25yr hobbyist and passess on great prices. answers the phone better after 5 pm cause he has another job daytime...I just bought this chiller, i'll let you all know how it goes. Bob

The only other thing I can think of that wasn't mentioned is to remove the back off of your stand if it has a backing on it. Great thread for the summer! :)