Tank crash questions

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You can't imagine how many times that has happened to me. I'm sure everybody on here has had at least one fish or coral doing perfectly fine one moment, and gone the next (if not an entire tank crash!). We learn from our mistakes, and hope to create a better and more stable environment in the future. Keep at it, you have plenty of time to learn!;)
One thing I haven't seen addressed is the water source. Are you using an RO/DI filter?
Sorry for your loss. On the bright side it's a great time to re-invent your tank. My recomendation would be to re-asses your livestock choices for fish better suited to a 30 gallon tank and to just hang in there. Everyone on here has had at least some experience with tank losses/crashes. Oh, and welcome to ReefFrontiers! :)
What is a RO/DI filter? Probably not haha. And the water we use comes from our kitchen sink. We have a hard water system and barbie says that's what kept our fish alive for so long.
Man this site is so great. Markee these guys are full of knowledge and I have learned so much on here. I am 57 and just got into this a few months ago. Don't feel bad I made several mistakes, but have slowed down and learned that this is a hobby of time. As for you guys on here keep up the good work because you are helping several people.
We discussed filtered water, but with very few water changes, I do think that topping up with water that had Alkalinity is what kept their pH from crashing with the waste and nitrate levels that high. Their tap water is low in phosphates and nitrates, I have another customer from Colbert with a 29 gallon SPS tank that uses tap water and she frequently brings me frags and corals for trade. An RO/DI filter will help in the long run, but water changes will do a lot more good, IMO. This is not a reef tank, it's just fish only.

Hey Barbie,
I'm not going to be able to come in until my mom and dad get back on Thursday. So maybe Friday I will come in. If not then next weekend for sure.