Tank cycled?...Confused

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Jul 30, 2005
I could have also titled this thread "Referendum on crappy test kits?...Confused". OR "Lazy by plan?...Confused". "Hope I can trust my LFS 'cause I'm committed..." Ok here's the deal.

About 5 weeks ago I started a 150g with 25g sump to cycle with 135 lbs of online ordered Fiji LR. The rock came in, looked decent enough with obvious die off which I believed is what I wanted to start the cycle. Using Kent salt, at around 79 temp, 1.023 SG on a refrac., 8.2 PH, not using much light on a VHO atinic & Aquasun.

Started testing the next day. Already showing low levels of ammonium, nitrite, AND Nitrate. I figure ok this is going to cycle FAST. So I get all smart and think/say to myself - "I'll just test for Ammonium at first and as it rises start testing for Nitrite, and when it goes up all three". Ain't I smart? Figure I'll cut down on my test kit usage and have them longer, LOL. So the problem is that my Ammonium just levels...Damn hang start I think. I got a tank that will take forever to cycle. I test & test & the Ammonium just sits there. Along the way I threw in a raw shrimp, and a small piece of Salmon, and some grunge from an established tank, & some of the Stability product. After four weeks I figure I'll be in this awhile but I decide to order my clean-up crew from the LFS 'cause they have offered to match me any deal I can find online, and hey the shipping offsets the tax I figure, and I like 'em, and they seem to have great stock, and I can pay now and take delivery when the tank is ready. So I buy a nice crew and they tell me that they will test my water for me just to see where I'm at.

I took them up on their offer. After a few minutes they say. "Your water is good dude". NH - 0, NO2 - 0, NO3 - 2. Well I guess the thing cycled fast after all and my test kit, (Red Sea), just like to show me some ammonium when I don't have any.

So I took delivery on some of my clean up crew and now for three days I have two cleaners, a peppermint shrimp, a brittle star, lot of blue leg hermits, 3 emeralds, a sally lightfoot, and a clown all just happy a pigs in $#!^, eating like theres no tomorrow, and my test kit says "DANGER Ammonium"

Am I just about to get hosed, i.e. don't be two quick to disregard a test kit...Or should I switch kits do you think? Thanks in advance if you read this far. Lag.
Red Sea is not known to be the most accurate. I would try another kit like Salifert or Sea Chem. Also your ammonia and NO2 will drop off during your cycle and end up as NO3.
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Stop testing ammonium and start testing free ammonia (NH3-).... NH4+ (ammonium) is harmless at marine pH values and not worth the bother. :cool:

I would double checked the LFS measurements before dumping anything alive in your tank.
SeaChem ammonia alert is easy to handle and works well at least during cycling. You may find http://saltaquarium.about.com/cs/aqsetuptestkit/tp/tptestkits.htm
also useful.
Also, your tank may also be still cycling.
It is not uncommon to have a tank which cycles for 2 months or more.
So I took delivery on some of my clean up crew and now for three days I have two cleaners, a peppermint shrimp, a brittle star, lot of blue leg hermits, 3 emeralds, a sally lightfoot, and a clown all just happy a pigs in $#!^, eating like theres no tomorrow, and my test kit says "DANGER Ammonium"
So you dumped them all at the same time in your tank? In case your tank is not completely cycled yet, you may have some ammonia reading. Also, ammonia can be tolerated for probably a week quite well. Go grab some good test kits for NH3, NO2, NO3 and see whatcha got...
Well I acclimated them but basically yeah...I "dumped them all at the same time in my tank". I think, especially in this age of "online ordering" there is probably a lot more of that going around...just a guess. I didn't online order this time but and this was not my whole clean up crew. I have some Scarlet Hermits, some Bumble Bee snails, and some Turbo's comming in. By the way they are kicking butt in there with the cleaning. I was getting the hair algea just starting up and they mowed that down in no time flat.

I've tested twice at the LFS and their readings conflict with mine and I think their's are more accurate.

Yes I'm ordering some Saliferts because I've lost confidence in these Red Sea's. I CAN use them I guess but there seems to be a "fudge factor". As far as free ammonia that is a PH versus Temp and chart comparison thing...not real accurate.

If you are right and they are wrong then, yep I'm in for a world of hurt. Maybe being a gambler and a fishkeeper are polar opposites, j/k.