Tank Emergency

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Frogfish Aficionado
May 20, 2007
So the worst has happened - a friend of mine not very knowledgeable about tanks was taking care of my 40G when she and her brother somehow managed to make the protein skimmer 'burst' (I really have no idea what happened there...something about the top not being screwed in properly). Anyways, there was a bunch of water lost and the main plug had to be pulled. As far as I know, they've cleaned it up as best as possible but the tank is no longer running. The tank has a CPR overflow on it that needs to be re-started. I don't know if anything's fried but apparently there were sparks. I really need someone knowledgeable of reef systems and how to restart CPR overflows. Some saltwater will probably need to be made up as well, as there's only filtered freshwater sitting out for her to keep the sump at proper level. I have very very limited access to the internet and probably won't be logging on for awhile. My cell phone is 206-851-9377 for anyone in the area that can help out. Thanks.
Btw, I am in Northgate, Seattle (in Florida currently). Located on Meridian Ave N, just off Northgate Way.
A good person needs some HELP!

Anybody in Seattle north end area with a half hour to spend helping a fellow reefer? Would be really good Karma. Just need to mix up some of her salt and restart the tank's overflow siphon.

Call her cell phone @ 206-851-9377 for anyone in the area that can help out
I wouldn't panic, If you have flow in the main tank you can go a long while without a sump, you may need to relocate a heater but you can arrange to just bypass the sump until you get help, get another power strip plug in a PH or two with a heater away from the tank & use the sump water to top off the main tank until it is full. If done right you can go weeks easily, depending on your set-up & corals & boi-load as in amount of fish poop you get.
Bump... Sorry I couldnt get over there personally.

Ill bring your number to work with me tomorrow and call you as I get off work. Im literally working just around the corner from that locationand if no one has made it to your place I can do it then
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So with the help of Marty from the Seattle Aquarium the tank is back up and running. There were some minor loses from what I could see but I'll have a better idea when I go back tomorrow to check up on things. All I have to say is that there is one pissed off neighbor living below this particular tank so let us all pray to the tank gods that the pump doesn't shut off in the middle of the night and flood his apartment again.
Ohh, flooded apartment isn't good, lets hope this doesn't happen again for sure, glad help arrived!
The manager gave her 24 hours to get it out of town, Going over tomorrow to break the tank down.

I am going to babysit most of the livestock until whenever, but she needs to sell about 90pounds of primo rock from this tank and another. It will be kept happy and alive until she returns, but anybody that needs some or all of up to 180 pounds of awesome rock, let her know. PM rjarnold, not me. (she knows it's real value so lets not lowball a good person down on her luck) She will be most likely selling this system off too when she returns.
Hmmm she should look up the Landlord Tenant act on the WA Attorney General Website http://www.atg.wa.gov/ResidentialLT/default.aspx. If she has a signed lease (not month to month) that doesn't prohibit fish tanks I don't think he can make her get rid of it or evict since the damage is not intentional, or "caused" by neglect. You cant change rules of a lease during the term either.
Treehugger Jeff is everything that is good about this hobby and mankind. There is no way I could have gotten this done this without him and look forward to knowing him better.

Rachael still has her larger FOWLER at work, it was the apartment reef that was the problem. It should all work out. She'll be back in a week or so to put the pieces back together and her fish, shrimp and corals are safe in the reef @ Black Diamond...
Boy, I was talking with Jeff about the incident that happened with the tank. Sounds like you two had your work cut out for you. Great job. I hope that in the future, anyone who has problems like this can get help like you have volunteered. Comes around goes around.
Mike is being way to modest here...he not only drove hours and hours to help out but had most of the tank already broken down by the time I got there after work today. I believe he gets the gold star for the day :) As far as Rachael's tank goes, when she gets back I look forward to finally actually meeting her and helping her to get things back up and running. I might also add that I now have a really cool frogfish living in my frag tank (I hope he stays happy until her return!)
Darn, I didn't see this till today, as I live just a few blocks away....

If Anything else is needed, let me know.

Thanks immensely to all those that helped with this situation, especially Mike and Jeff. I look forward to meeting you when I get back as well, Jeff. Irate neighbors and ticked off management (mostly due to the neighbor I think) couldn't have been fun to deal with either. It'll be weird coming home to an empty tank.

To everyone else - please don't PM me about LR right now...I WILL have some available no matter what the outcome to this is, since I had a little less than 90lbs sitting in a big rubber garbage bin (with water/circulation/heat) before this all started anyways. My pm box is almost full though, and I won't be getting back until the 12th. It will take awhile to get things situated before I'm in a position to sell off rock anyways. You can email me at [email protected] though if you want the Florida aqua-cultured LR, just realize that it may be awhile before I get back to you.