tank has'nt seen a water change in 4 years... and mushroom ID please

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Jun 13, 2011
I bought out a buddy tearing down his softy tank that he had not done a single water change on in over 4 years!!!! ph 7.4.....but ZERO nitrates! Topped off with tap water. he had about 2 inch very fine sand substrate ( from home depot) in a 72g bowfront, ran a cheap hob skimmer and only half working pc lights, about 100bs of LR with some nice mushrooms that at one time were diner plate size and now are in the 4 to 5 inch range, 2 large serpant stars, large black urchin, a damsel, and a few snails and hermits.

The real kicker is during a recent 3 day power outtage his tank hit 47dg and the stars and urchin lived. They are currently alive in my tank and went from that 7.4 ph to new 8.3 ph water with no aclimation 3 days ago.

can anyone ID the mushrooms please and what kind of flow and lighting would do them justice. currently running two 32inch vho's but there is a 250mh I can turn on too. flow is fluval 405 and lg power-sweep power head... Ithinks is around 300gph

while I'm at it, if you have a suggestion for good hob skimmer that runs quiet and easy to maintian and run, would be appreciated.

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Nice long-spine urchin!

I'll get back to you on the mushrooms, I think I know what that one in the bottom pic might be, and
the one in the middle pic is a type of giant mushroom..I'll get the name before I return

Tank look amazing good for all it's been through. I used a Octopus HOB skimmer for a while and it did ok for me back in the day. I much prefer sump skimmers though.