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I second frequent water changes, and more flow, but I see you already did that there. :) I used to have similar problems, but frequent water changes make everything in my tank happy. Replenishes the tank and gets out the junk. Also, how old are your bulbs? I hadn't changed my bulbs in 2 years (time goes by so fast) and we just updated all of them last week... HUGE difference. Everything is brightening up and growing like crazy. Look into BRS Two-Part Dosing. Good luck!
Why feed phytoplankton and coral frenzy? My corals mostly eat fish poo and pee I think lol.
IME, when I used phyto and/or coral frenzy I noticed an increase of algae in the tank...take this for what it is worth...:)
Have you considered maybe you are getting some heavy metals added? Is there any copper tubing running through the plumbing on your filter unit? I almost made this mistake when I plumbed mine. I also talked to a couple about a year ago who had a lot of tank problems when they started out. What they ended up tracing it back to was the rock they used when they started. They had some lava rock from Hawaii in the tank that leeched heavy metals for years before things stabilized.