tank heating

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Active member
Oct 4, 2006
VIC, Australia
Hey guys i would like to know how i should go about heating my 250gal/1200litre reef tank. I was thinking of using a Tunze 'Temperature Controller Set °Celsius
(7028/3)' with two Jager heaters but it appears that the Tunze temp controller can only run a single heater, is this true or can it run two heaters?? i cant afford two units thats overkill. I could also simply use the two 300watt Jager heaters by themselves, is this sufficient and reliable enough do you think:confused:

I have used jager heaters and they have very accurate temperature settings so I'm not sure why you would use a controller? I recommend two heaters minimum.
My Jager heater runs about 7 degree warm, and its better to be safe than sorry. Use a controller if you can even if its a reliable brand.

My Jager heater runs about 7 degree warm, and its better to be safe than sorry. Use a controller if you can even if its a reliable brand.


I agree, not using a controller WILL cause a problem someday. Just like death and taxes you can count on a heater failure.

What makes a controller so much more accurate than a heater? Controllers and temperature probes don't last forever either. And that's why you always use at least two, in case of one failing. The degrees knob on a heater are never very accurate and it usually takes some time to dial it in. I haven't had a jager heater stray from the temperature setting once its set. But I guess not everyone shares my opinions. Good luck.
controllers 'usually' are made with higher grade components less prone to failure. though not fool proof by any means.

sometimes you get what you pay for...like a temperature sensor in your $20 heater that also warms your water might work but it may also stick on so that you come home to some seafood chowder.

ebo's have proven to be the most reliable to me as i had one 30+ years old (before i dropped and broke it)...though i never had problems with a single ebo...i need more power than what the largest single ebo can provide in my system.

i use a dual stage medusa controller that turns on my 1/2hp chiller (when needed) and can power up 1500 watts of heating (when needed).

my equipment is in the garage along with my 100g sump. it gets chilly at night where i live in southern california (but not as cold as most places in the states). i use 4 ebo jagers connected to a power bar for a total power of 900 watts.

i have used 700 watts (2 x 350 watt won brothers) with two independant heaters before. not only was this not enough power to keep my tank warm at night, it played havoc with temp stability and the temp range fluctuated too much to my liking.

this is what a controller allows me to do...hook up to 1500 watts of heating regardless of the number of heaters used. it also allows me to not have to 'sync' the heaters when using two or more. it is really really hard to get two separate heaters to come on at the same timp for the temp set.

the extra 200 watts allowed the tank to maintain and stabilize temp with no fluctuation. there was never any 'catch up' with the heaters struggling to try and keep up warming the water to the set temp on those unusually cold nights.
Great! Now you've got me thinking about spending MORE money on a controller! What about the Aqua Logic Controllers - they're a little cheaper than the Medusa. Any thoughts people?