Tank horror stories

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My worst horror story was the power loss durign the winter in '06 or '07.. we lost power for 9 days and I could only watch as the tank temp dropped down to 32 degrees..no water flow, not heater, etc.. it was pretty morbid. nothing survived except the LR and pods.. .. lost 3 tanks in that one week

Don't take this as a jab its not... but I just cannot figure out why all of those of us with thousands of dollars in these tanks cannot afford or refuse to buy a $300 generator to protect the investment? I hear this over and over and over again but yet nobody buys one. I think its like earthquake preparedness its only important right after one then a month goes by and no longer important. I can go for a month straight on backup power and if that runs out my neighbors cars will be a little lower on the gas needle....
Haha.. well I have one now.. but that was my first year in Washington state in my 35 years I had never lived in an area where there was no power for more than 12 hours let alone 9 days.

Don't take this as a jab its not... but I just cannot figure out why all of those of us with thousands of dollars in these tanks cannot afford or refuse to buy a $300 generator to protect the investment? I hear this over and over and over again but yet nobody buys one. I think its like earthquake preparedness its only important right after one then a month goes by and no longer important. I can go for a month straight on backup power and if that runs out my neighbors cars will be a little lower on the gas needle....
I put a Medium sized CPR HOB Aquafuge on my BC29 a while back. The tank is in my home office, so I was fighting with it trying to keep the noise generated to a minimum. I came up with the great idea of putting a square piece of filter floss in front of the outlet. It took away most of the waterfall sound the outlet had been making.

I made a mental note to take the square out nightly and check it for detritus build up. Well, fast forward to Weds of last week. I was off at a church meeting. When I drove up I noticed the lights in my office on. I was greeted at the garage door by my son and wife holding towels. It turns out I had forgotten to check the filter floss that evening. The Aquafuge had overflowed and sent about 3-5 gallons of water onto the floor. The worse part was that it had flowed along the ceiling of the basement and found the hole for my son's bedroom light. Yep, we had a light fixture full of salty water.

Needless to say, the filter floss is no longer on the outlet. I'll dealing with the waterfall noise.
lol ok,
We too simple over here, we call em "safety switches"!!!