Tank Overload?

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Nov 24, 2006
Hi everyone. I think I have overloaded my tank! Any advice? Here is what I have:

75 gallon:
Green Star Polyps
Yellow Polyps
Zoanthids (large colony)
Zoanthids (4 small)
Colt Coral
Large Green Mushrooms
Striped Mushrooms
Candy Cane (2)
Pulsing Xenia
Cabbage Leather
Toadstool Leather
Short Tentacle Plate Coral
Flower Anemone (2)

Red Star Fish
Brittle Star Fish
Sand Star
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Pistol Shrimp
Sand Goby
True Percula Clown (1)
Clown (1) (Nemo)
Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
Pygmy Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
6 Line Wrasse
Blue/Green Chromis (2)
Hermit Crabs

Is that too much? Some of my corals are not looking as well as they were. Thanks for any advice!!
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i think the bioload is a bit on the heavier side.....do you keep up with your regular water changes?? if not,this could be your problem all together ..it sounds like it could possibly be chemical warfare from your corals as well
Wow. That is a heavy load. I'd start by getting the tangs out of there... tank is too small for them IMO. If "sand star" is the "sandsifting" variety I'd get rid of it too. Probably not contributing to the bioload much but it won't survive in a 75 gallon tank.
what do you mean a sand star wont survive in a 75, yes it will. Git rid of at least half of the fish and get a real big skimmer and you will be fine
I really did not intend to have that much in my tank. My memory isn't as good right now and I finally sat down and actually wrote down everything I have. I was SHOCKED!! No wonder things aren't looking good! So I know I need to find some things a new home but just not sure which way I want to go. Thanks for all of your advice and please feel free to share any ideas with me about what will do good together and what needs to go.

~Thanks! :confused:
what do you mean a sand star wont survive in a 75, yes it will.

No they wont, they need atleast a couple hundred gallon tank to live a HEALTHY life and at that it still isnt surtain. Any star fish will live for a little while, but that is because starfish die at a slow rate.
i agree..i had 2 sandsifters..one died after several months, and the other lived on, but it wasn't healthy....i had them in a 72g...........how about those water changes?? do you do them regularly????? in this tank, with a heavy load like that,they need to be done very regularly!!!
I do a water change and clean the sand once a month and clean the skimmer every other day. When I do the water change I do about 10 gallons. After seeing how much I have in there I realize I need to do the water change more often, but how often and how much?
10% is a good starting place to judge water changes by, with the bioload you have a 15-20% might not be out of the question. I would do this weekly til you see things improve.
10g a month on a 75g??????????????????????????????????????:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: this could be your entire problem!!!!! i would do a HUGE water change initially, maybe 30g(at least)!! i would then do about 15-20g every 2 weeks as my regular regimine!
the three shrimps are a lotta.

they are heavy i think on the bioload list
Dude 75 gallon and with ttha many fish your doing 10 gallon water changes. You should do 25gallon every week