Tank Pics at 9 months

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Awesome to see the coralline growth! I love the aquascaping, too!
Nice... I like how you can see everything. I have too much live rock crowding everything out. Wish I had enough space for a blue tang...
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Very nice! I like the open feel of the aquascaping. What size tank is it?
Its a 90 gal and I just painted the background on the back of the tank and am now just waiting for the coraline to fill in the background. Yeah I love the frogspawn too, lol, It has become my favorite. Its just hard to get all my fish to co-operate and come out for the photo!! lol.
You all are really to thank for my tank even being up and lalive, this board has been more help to me than any book or other website, YOU ALL ROCK!!