Tank Relocation Issue

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Nov 7, 2007
Lee, I need to move my 45 gallon reef tank out of the room that it is in for 2-3 days so that the floor can be tiled.

I plan on putting all the fish in a new big brute container with the live rock and corals while I empty out the tank and move it to another room temporarily.

So the question:

Should I just keep the fish, live rock, and corals in the brute with a small powerhead and heater for the few days? Will they be ok like that? Or would it be necessary to set up the tank again in the temporary location and then tear it down again to move it back to the permanant room?

Also, how should I deal with the sandbed the whole time? Just leave it in the tank with some water for the few days? Just throw it out and get new sand?

I had to keep my fish (inc. a moorish idol) in tubs with live rock and powerheads for 36hrs when i relocated my tank to another room so you wont have a problem assuming you have alot of rock (i had 2 x 160ltr tubs with approx 130kg of rock divided between the two).
As for the sand bed i wouldn't have a clue sorry!
It would be best to replace your sand bed. You will stir up a lot of undesirables when you make the change. Keep a cup or 2 to help reseed.
If you're using a garbage can, as apposed to a rubbermaide type tote that's rectangular in shape, keep in mind that you'll have a lot less surface area. Because of this, the water might not be oxygenated nearly as well. I'd suggest also putting an air pump with air stone running.

I'd also agree that you should replace your sand bed, keeping a little of your old sand to re-seed. If your current tank hasn't been set up very long, you won't have as much of a problem with stirring up harmful gasses and could re-use your old sand bed. Don't know how long it's been set up though.

I might suggest getting a second container to keep corals in. The wider rubbermaide type totes will allow you to place your corals apart from one another, so they aren't touching and burning each other. I guess this also depends on how many corals you have, if they're soft, LPS or SPS and such.

I guess in the end, I'd say that you don't really need to break down and re-set up your tank just for 2 or 3 days. Everything will be just fine, as long as it's kept warm and oxygenated.
I just moved my 180 with a 2-3 inch sandbed, it took 48 hours to get everything moved. I used a kid pool and a 100 gallon spare tank to keep everything in while I executed the move. I pulled out all the sand and rock to lighten the tank and put it all back in. I did not have any problems, my tank had been running in its current position for the last two years.
I might suggest getting a second container to keep corals
I agree with this.... in addition with the coral warfare- without nutrient export, the ammonia that the fish put out will create a no-so-friendly environment for your corals. I would also suggest you start doing water changes and keeping the "old" water (oxygenated & warm) for the move.
Good luck, D
Your plan is fine. Leave sand in tank with enough water to cover it. Drop an aerator in the tank with the sand.
How deep is the sand bed, as i would not be comfortable moving a glass tank with that extra weight.
I decided to tale out the entire sandbed and threw out most of it. I saved a bit for my fuge. I am running the tank barebottom now. The only reason I got the sandbed in the first place was because I had a randall goby and shrimp pair but the shrimp died a long time ago so I really had no need for it. I run most of my tanks like that anyways.

By the way the move was successful, everyone survived just great. I ended up using two seperate containers, one for fish and one for corals. Thanks for the all the very helpful suggestions everyone!