Tank Swap

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Hey Charlie,

Be sure to be prepared to carry a couple containers home. I need a safe place for a special frag, incase the worse happens.

Also would you happen to have a 1 1/2 bulkhead laying around? I wil be able to replace once other tank is tore down but I could sure use it before hand. The tank is full of water and running closed loop. I need to add about 25-30 more gallons to test sump and figure out return loop, but to do that I need a BH. :(

If not it will wait

Hey Duane, keep those picts. and postings coming. I'm always interested in a new setup. Looking at the return manifold, wouldn't the pipes furthest from the pump get the least flow and the closest get the most? Just curious.
That's good to hear. I've seen that manifold setup before on other threads and I like it! Just gathering ideas for my dream tank. Thanks and goodluck with the new tank.
Just a little FYI ....

The flow from all 5 heads seem to be almost identical, at least by my highly calibrated hand :D I was going on the assumption of fluid dymanics (hydraulic) which says the pressure at any two points in a closed loop system must be equal.

Therefore the top manifold is a continuous loop. It doesn't end at the back of the tank but feeds back on itself. Of course it isn't perfect becuase of other factors like my eyeballing the length of drops but it seems to be extremely close.

I'll try and get a couple photos of the sump before it gets completely filled with junk, to show what I've done there

Thanks for input
Well, the dirty deed has been completed.:D :D In all, it took us about 6 1/2 to 7 hours to break down, assemble and clean up the mess. It went pretty painless, except for a few sore backs.:D :D
Here's what happened:
We siphoned about 45-50 gallons out of the existing 150 into a 100 gallon stock tub. We removed all the corals into the stock tank, and threw in about 3 powerheads to keep some flow in there. There was still a bunch of rock left in the 150, so we transferred that directly into the new 125. That was kind of a PITA, because we lost about 6" of width. We definitly did not not get all the rock back into the main display, so if anybody local wants some LR, contact Duane, I'm sure he would be glad to help you out.
Once we got most of the rock transferred, we started in with the corals and the fish. His poor foxface did not like the idea at all, but in the end had finally gained most of it's color, and didn't look so PO'd.:D :D I think all of them were having a problem adjusting to the new amount of flow that Duane was generating in the new system.
What this actually amounted to was a large water change for his critters.
I took a few pics, before and after stuff, I hope you people enjoy.
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I would like to thank Rob and Gina for their assistance in this, the plumbing that we had to finish off would have never gotten done without you guys.
Thanx are also out to Riley for the excellent chow that was provided to keep us going!!!!! I'd thank myself for the beer, but Duane drank it all anyways.:D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hello once again everyone,

Sorry for the late response but I just wanted to put out a heart felt THANK YOU!!!

Had to run out of town for the day but when I got home tonight everything is still doing great and coming along nicely. Worse hit still seems teh be the orange cap but hopefully he will come around.

This whole project would never have been able to succeed without the help fo everyone involved and is a true testiment to the people in this hobby. When one of us is in trouble many others drop what they are doing and come to help :)

Even if it means to miss a very important Nascar Race :D hope the recording came out good :)

Once again thanks for all involved, Charlie, Rob, and Gina. I would have never been able to accomplish it without all your help.

updated pictures

Well I thought I would do as requested by Gina and post a couple more pictures of a few of the corals and tank.

I really don't think there is going to be any moving anything around for a while. My fingers are just now beginning to work again. I think I may have gotten a little poisoning from playing with all the rock and corals without gloves. But getting better so not worried about it.

Anyhow here's a couple teasers for you


FYI just a testiment there is nothing to 6-6-6