Taqpol's 120 gallon All in Stand Reef Build

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WOW! Cool update.

On Saturday (11/7/09) I picked up a really cool Green Bubble Tip Anemone (neon green, actually has the bubbles) and put it into the frag tank with the picasso clowns. Today the more dominant of the two picassos is already hosting in it! I had an GBTA in my old tank for ten months with the Occ. clowns and they never even went near it!

The frag tank also contains a Copper Band Butterfly temporarily while i wean him onto frozen food. He does eat frozen mysis consistently, but he still prefers a live black worm treat every now and again (as do the clownfish, i am sure). Hopefully this guy will be the answer to my aiptasia problem, and if he decides to go for my clams I'll just move them all to the frag tank.
FTS Update time. Hint hint, I changed something.

Anemone tank is doing great, you can see the newest addition in here, but I have some more pictures of him later.

I happened to snap these pics while trying to take pictures of the Copper Band Butterfly. He's not exactly shy, just hard to get a picture of.

I'm extremely excited about the Copper Band Butterfly. One of my clams (the blue maxima) had a bunch of aiptasia on its shell that were stinging the bejeezus out of its mantle and causing it to lose color. I decided the clam might bite the dust anyway and put it into the frag tank. Immediately the CBB began picking every single aiptasia off of the shell and after a week still has not bothered the clam in the slightest! My only worry now is zoanthids, but those can be moved to the frag tank if need be.




Did I mention he eats out of my hand!! What a personable fish!

He gets so excited to see me, I put my hand above the water and he rushes up to the surface. This is by far the most interactive fish i've ever had since I lost the Powder Blue Tang.

Lots of interesting stuff going on in the frag tank, I mentioned this awhile ago but here are the pics to prove it!

Hide me!
Well, once you've "broken the seal" you really can't go back. I ordered that acan from Aquatic Auctions awhile ago, and now I just ordered a fish from LiveAquarias Diver's Den. This fish is really rare and i am quite excited about getting it on Tuesday!
the only thing I see changed is the outlet on the far left in the back is slightly moved
but your lighting looks different..:)
the only thing I see changed is the outlet on the far left in the back is slightly moved
but your lighting looks different..:)
Lighting should be the same, I might have done the temperature different in PS that time or it just looks brighter because its cleaner.

Anyways, the big difference is that I removed and fragged my large Sarcophyton elegans.
I plan on taking pics of the acan when I take pics of the new fish on Tuesday. The fish is something I consider pretty rare, so i want to keep people guessing until tuesday.... but heres an edited pic:


That should at least give you the body shape.
I plan on taking pics of the acan when I take pics of the new fish on Tuesday. The fish is something I consider pretty rare, so i want to keep people guessing until tuesday.... but heres an edited pic:


That should at least give you the body shape.

ohh the ultra rare disappearing-reappearing imaginary triggerfish... I like :)
Unfortunately, I was not able to find a disappearing-reappearing triggerfish. I did, however, get a Sargassum Triggerfish:



So far I can't believe how cool this fish is. When I stuck my head over the bag it stuck the entire top of its head out to look at me, and when my friend put his head over the bag it squirted an entire mouthful of water at him!