TDS meter conversion

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That is it. thanks. i got the meter for free and its older. but if its still accurate it shuld work great. it did not come with instuctions and i dont know how to calibrate it.
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Great way to start your presence (all your posts for that matter), and GREAT AVATAR! :)

Are you testing you'r FW supply or tankwater?
for FW there should be a reading in μS.
1mS TDS = 1000μS = 640ppm TDS witch is way to high of a reading for FW supply.

its for reading my ro/di water. MT tap water reads .60 befor ro/di witch makes it 384 ppm and after it reads zero. my meter only reads in Ms so i have to use the calculator that fishdink posted.
its for reading my ro/di water. MT tap water reads .60 befor ro/di witch makes it 384 ppm and after it reads zero. my meter only reads in Ms so i have to use the calculator that fishdink posted.
what incrament does it read at? 0.01 or 0.05?

.01 x 1,000 = 10 uS

10 x .48 = 4.8 ppm TDS

.60 befor ro/di witch makes it 384 ppm

.60 x 1,000 = 600

600 x .5 = 300 TDS

That Lenntech calculator is way off

For us with most tap water or RO/DI water is it the reading uS x .5 or mS x 500
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So im confused now. How to i get ppm from Ms? And I thought this would be easy

Boomers math shows the conversion but it also shows that that meter has a large variable. the difference between 0.01 and 0.00 is 4.8ppm TDS so anything under that will read 0.00 even if it's actually more (example 4.5ppm TDS = 0.00Ms.

each increment of 0.01 in mS is = to 4.8ppm TDS so:
with a calculator if you enter 4.8 X your reading you'll have your ppm TDS but only accurate within ~5ppm TDS not including the % accuracy of the meter it self.
I'm not sure on that meter but lets say the meter is accurate within ± 0.01 (not likely probably a bit higher) that would mean that a reading of 0.01mS could be as high as 0.02 or equal to 9.6ppm TDS.

Hate to say it but I'm not sure if that will be very dependable for testing DI water. FW and SW yes but I wouldn't use it for my DI. would make an excellent salinity meter though ;) I have an algorithm for that if you need it.

Please chime in if I got any of this wrong boomer :)

Yup, you are in error :)

Your way :

if .01 = 4.8 then

.01 x 4.8 = .048 ppm TDS :eek:

it is mS x 480 = ppm TDS

.02 x 480 = 9.6 ppm TDS

.01 x 480 = 4.8 ppm TDS

If you are in uS then it is uS x .48 = ppm TDS

within ± 0.01

That is ± .01 % they are no where near that but more on the order of ± 1-2 % FS (full Scale) or ± 1 -2 % of the meter at its highest reading or 1-2 % of the meter readings. If the meter is 10 ppm and ± 2 % you are somewhere within 9.8 - 10.2 ppm TDS


Take your meter reading

mS x 480 = ppm TDS
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