thanks everyone

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Dec 26, 2003
Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
i just wanted to thank everyone who came out to the nano tank meeting at shark reef!:) it was good to see all the regulars made the trek.

we had a great turn out, got 10 new members, raffled off some nice gifts and the awesome nano that shark reef provided.

i hope my little nano speech wasnt too boring, i havnt done any public speaking scince school, but i had fun doing it.
it was also very nice meeting several new people, some who work in the business and hobbyists alike, new faces are good:) hopefully i will "see" alot of you guys here too.
well thanks again for making these events what they are, and if anyone has any nano questions or wants to speak further about stuff from the meeting just let me know, i'd be happy to help if i can.
i wanted to get some more info about the sea hoarse nano that was at the store....
Oh man.... my wife and i were totally glued to your presentation. She is super excited to start her nano. "hey honey? I want this and this and this and this for my nano for valentine's day." Thank you very much for your work tonight. My wife and I have had great conversations so far about the information we obtained tonight. WE had a great time.
Thanks again
Kristen and Justin Nimmo:D
hexman said:
i wanted to get some more info about the sea hoarse nano that was at the store....

Feel free to send me an email or PM and I will be glad to tell you whatever you need to know.

Take care
I'm glad the presentation was informative for someone, I could hardly hear a word over the noisy flea market haggling that 2/3rds of the members were having. If I'd known the sponsored meetings were more yard sale and less meeting, I'd have saved half a day in the car.


I'm sorry the noise in the back of the shop was disruptive to the meeting. We try to keep it down, but with a limited space and a variety of people at the meeting for a variety of reasons it can be a challenge. We will try to improve on this in the future.

For the record, the noise level was greater than normal and the speaking was a little quieter. The room was much smaller and a long "echo chamber" shape. When we meet at Bellevue Community College it is in a lecture room that is designed to project voices back. Please don't let this meeting drive your decision to come to future meetings. One bad experience shouldn't color your opinion of the clubs meetings.
I appologize too about the noise. I went around trying to get those in the back to try to speak a little softer. Being the first time at our shop I didn't know exactly what to expect. If we get a chance to do it again the Nursery said we can use their classroom for meetings in the future. That way those who want to listen to the presentation can and those that don't can mingle in the shop. I hope we get to do it again sometime. THanks to everyone again!!!
Glad I made it to the meeting. Was nice to see everyone. Nice presentation Mark ...

I was probably one of the loud ones in the back during some of it though, I'm sorry :(
I have to say sorry too, as I was also probably in the back making some of the noise.

Then again, after that sandbed comment, well...ok :cool: j/k j/k
Nice presentation.

- Ilham
I'm sorry too :oops: I was talking to JEFF, Elmo, Chuck and... (ok, now I'm understanding why my kids like to tattle) BUT, it was just so nice to actually be able to attend a meeting and see everyone, it's hard not to talk! I really hope Mark does another presentation for us in the future!

Susie :oops: :) :oops:
UGh oh.... :eek: Ok ricordea for each of you tattle-tellers....

j/k j/k..

Good presentation Mark! What if one decides to keep a Ritteri anemone with his/her clownfishes in a nano? Would that be considered "easy"? Just givin ya a hard time :p

- Ilham
I want to apologize for being loud too.....well it wasn't cause I was there, :rolleyes: it was me cursing from home that I couldn't go. :mad: ..Ive been in bed suffering from food poisening since Sat morn :( I'm finally up and around today and wishing I could have made it over ......
I was loud. I am sorry. I was just too excited seeing friends. I will work on not being so loud next time. I promise.
yeah your right, i should have explained what a crap shoot it can be with some anemones in a nano, i guess i just assumed people would do a symbiosis with a rbt, not a carpet, ritteri, or l.t., which was dumb of me:oops:
there was a couple things i forgot to mention thart were kinda important:oops: but hopefully nothing that will make someone crash and burn.:D
You could always post a followup thread summarizing what you talked about and catch anything you missed in there. I'm sure people would like the resource. Just a thought your spare time of course ;)