~Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers~

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Brendens wife
May 17, 2006
Is my husband and he "Brian" posted on here about my surgery. I want to tell all of you thank you for all the wonderful posts and prayers... Brian was nervous and I as well.

I am doing so well now and feeling much better! I made the mistake in throwing football yesterday and it set me back a little. But, other than that I am glad my husband got the support he needed.
Love you hun.;)

Sad part is the surgen who did my sugery had a fatality and is down in the dumps today. "I had a follow up appt" Heard through his staff... WOW I was scared before the surgery and feel bad for the family of this man. It just was not my time.

Again thanks for all the comments and prayer!:)
Melissa! I'm so glad to see you! Keep up with your healing! A big thanks to Brian for keeping us up to date on what was going on.

You are all still in my thoughts and prayers.
Glad your OK!!
Surgeons have a very hard job. I dont think there is any way I could deal with having anothers life totaly in my hands.
Good to hear Melissa! I told your hubby to bring you this way to relaxl, but not sure he listened to me:p Hope you continue to improve:)
I'm glad you're back :) and that you're feeling much better..... now you gotta make Brian cook, clean (specially the toilets :D) , take care of the kids and give you foot massages :D etc.....

I made the mistake in throwing football yesterday

girl i know you're getting exited about football season but just take it easy ok :p ;) .
now you gotta make Brian cook, clean (specially the toilets ) ,
Watch it.:mad:
girl i know you're getting exited about football season but just take it easy ok .
I bought direct TV Sunday ticket so she will be sitting on her butt soon enough.:D
Krish When I get well enough maybe next summer we just may take you up on that offer:p

Thank you everyone.........:eek2:

Yes football season...Brian got me the NFL ticket I love the steelers and when I moved down here I could not watch the games... So yeah I did not need to throw the ball with the kids....Just jumped the gun a little...
They did doppler today to see what was going on and saw the mucle hanging by a string so I really have to be careful.

Brian takes really great care of me no worries in that department.;)

LMBO!!! :lol: :lol: ..... clean it good boy :lol: .

I bought direct TV Sunday ticket so she will be sitting on her butt soon enough

awesome !! now just get her a massage chair so she can watch the game and get a massage at the same time :D .

Yes football season...Brian got me the NFL ticket I love the steelers and when I moved down here I could not watch the games... So yeah I did not need to throw the ball with the kids....Just jumped the gun a little...
They did doppler today to see what was going on and saw the mucle hanging by a string so I really have to be careful.

Brian takes really great care of me no worries in that department.

baa baa daa daa maa did you just say the word Steelers :eek: ..... don't remind me last season, my heart is still broken because my Seahawks didn't win :cry: :cry: .... that was a heart breaker.... i have my fingers cross that this year we'll go to the superbowl again and this time win it :badgrin: :p
i have my fingers cross that this year we'll go to the superbowl again and this time win it
HA HA Better do something more than cross your fingers.:badgrin:
Krish When I get well enough maybe next summer we just may take you up on that offer

Sounds great! It will be nice to finally meet your knucklehead hubby and the rest of you guys:D
HA HA Better do something more than cross your fingers.

well i wanted to work as their private massagist but they require a green card for some reason :lol: :D .

Sounds great! It will be nice to finally meet your knucklehead hubby and the rest of you guys

LMBO!!! i take it as you two got plans for ....well i'm not gonna say it because some people are tired of it :p :lol: :lol:
Hey! I'll have to admit I didn't pray but I did a pagan dance. I'm glad everything worked out. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing... most of the time!
you guys are so funny! Thank you for all the post and get wells! I enjoy it out here and read a ton. i am not a big poster on here YET..... I do enjoy the hobbie and love seeing the fun that goes on in this forum.

Krish How is the wife? She is due soon right?
Gabby when are you due?
Krish How is the wife? She is due soon right?

She's doing great...Thanks! Too great though. She is due today and no votes yet. We'll see what happens though. I'll keep you guys posted:)