Thanks for the reminder

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I didn't know you before, but welcome back, and maybe we will know each other more in the future! Would love to hear more about what you have going on, and pictures are always great!
Hey Dougie boy good to see you drop by and say hello!! I knew I could russle up some of the old crew!! Hows the scrubber??

Hey Dougie boy good to see you drop by and say hello!! I knew I could russle up some of the old crew!! Hows the scrubber??

Old is the word. :lol: Since I moved in from the country only smaller tanks, so my turf scrubber, {a real one, :eyebrows:} sits in my shed collecting dust. Impressive you remember that. :biggrin1:

I toyed around with trying a plenum that we once discussed but never did. Still bare bottomed.

It was nice to hear from you. I have missed some of the old friends and all the discussion. Still frequent several boards but mostly just post on our Canadian board. :D
Good to see you back Doug!
I would love to learn about this "real" scrubber of yours, if you have a moment maybe you can revive the thread on it? Or create one? I am still a believer that these things can and do work, I am just not to impresed with the current design everyone seems to be running.
Good to see you back Doug!
I would love to learn about this "real" scrubber of yours, if you have a moment maybe you can revive the thread on it? Or create one? I am still a believer that these things can and do work, I am just not to impresed with the current design everyone seems to be running.

Thanks. The "real" is just a side joke. It comes from discussions, {or the attempt to}, with , well I thing best just left there, which is to bad because I think they are good for a tank, including the current trend. Mine is the large unit once sold by Inland Aquatics. I dont recall if we discussed it much here or not. Will search. I was part of many threads on another board back when it was more popular, including a couple of dandy threads including Eric B.

Found this one,
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