The Berghia Project, take 3!

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You will be surprised at how fast your Aiptasia will disappear once you get a few adults. I had a 29 plumb full of Aiptasia 100s and 100s with 2 small Berghia. Once the hit adulthood and started laying eggs the babies and adults consumed the Aiptasia within a month. I collected Aiptasia from as many people as possible by trading clean rock for covered rock but they cleaned it so fast that I could not keep up. Good luck I hope you can keep them fed.
Lil' update. In the last week or so, all 3 adults have died. I know Berghia have a short lifespan, so am assuming they'd all outlived theirs, as they were all eating well and had plenty of Aiptasia available. As the egg strands, in the adult container, had "vanished" over a few days, I decided to leave that container alone, and supply it with some smaller Aiptasia. Yesterday, we saw at least 1 teeny tiny Berghia in it, so I'm assuming there are more. As I'm able to identify Berghia, in this container, I'll move them to the Nursery container. In the Nursery container, the 5 baby Berghia are growing quickly. The egg strands that were in that container have also all hatched, so I'm expecting to see more Berghia in it, in the coming weeks. I'm keeping both supplied with small Aiptasia, so far.
I just found and moved 3 of the tiniest babies, from the large container, to the nursery. I'm sure there are more, that are too small to see. Seems when they're this size, they grow, from invisible, to visible, in a matter of about 24 hours, so I'll be checking, morning and
Pics of 2 of the 3 babies I just found and moved.


and for size comparison, this is a dime.

Time for an update! Upon returning from SeaMax, I found that the first generation of baby Berghia had begin laying eggs! I completely emptied and cleaned one container and moved all Berghia to it. The next day, we had almost a dozen egg strands, in the cleaned container. It actually appears that even the second generation of Berghia are now laying eggs. Here's some recent pics.




It's hard to tell, but there's about a dozen Berghia, here, eating an Aiptasia

i wish i was closer i would love to cycle some of my rocks through your "nursery"

Good Lucl
How is it coming? How are those numbers. Berghia don't live that long when full grown I've lost some first generation berghia about 6 to 8 months