The fate of Grumpy????

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2007
Portland, Oregon
:cry:The Waters' reef tank suffered its first tragedy tonight. We found Grumpy, the sixline wrasse on the floor in front of the tank about ten minutes ago. I picked him up and thought instantly that he was dead. I quickly stuck him in the sump, washed all the dog hair off of him, then was amazed as his little gills started moving. With in a few minutes his fins were moving and he was swimming in my hand. i returned him to the main tank and a few moments later he swam out of my hand. He now sits on the bottom, not moving much except to keep himself upright.

I'm crushed....but hope that Grumpy will survive. I will keep you updated and i will make a grate to ensure that none of the other fish jump out. If i lose Grumpy he will certainly be replaced with Grumpy Jr.

He is, and hopefully, remains to be a cool fish.

Kris and Rylie
My Candy Hogfish jumped out of my old 125 about 7 times! The last time he jumped he must have been out for awhile, I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not..But I put him in the tank, he found a hiding space in the rocks and the next day was out and about!!
He is in my 240 now, its covered!;)
Give your Wrasse some time, hopefully he'll be back to normal tomorrow
Update...we "fished" him out of the display and put him in the fuge. This way, if he does die, I will be able to remove him without contaminating the rest of the tank.

I feel really bad...I was cleaning, and God only knows how long that poor fish was out of water.

Kris and Rylie
Hopefully he will recover, some fish can be very tough. Keep a eye on him for ich, he is stressed which can be a precurser. You also could get some egg crate to cover the top of your tank to help stop jumpers.
Oh yes...egg crate. I have had him for over a problems. Who knows what goes through those little fishy minds.

6 lines are pretty darned tough. Also, they're quite disease resistant because of a special slime coat they have. Don't be worried if you see him covered in a whitish slime. They do this for protection and sometimes when stressed...from what I understand. I hope the best for Grumpy!!!
Grumpy may just fine after all. He was hiding in the rock in the fuge and when I moved it he promptly shot off and jumped into the baffle section. I turned off the return...didn't want sushi, and managed to corral him into a corner of the fuge again. As I pulled him out, he jumped straight up out of my hand! Some how, I managed to catch him in mid air! He went back into the display and down in the rocks for cover.

Last night, his little frown lines on his eyes were no longer those were back! This story hopefully will turn to "The survival of Grumpy"!


Kris and Rylie
If you want him to have the best chance of survival, put grumpy back in the display...

I did mention in the reply that I took him out of the sump and back into the display.

Grumpy update:

The fish is fine! He was out swimming around the rocks today and even ate. I purchased some egg crate for the top of the tank. This will hopefully prevent any further carpet surfing episodes!
