The move

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Well-known member
May 15, 2006
Is comeing... a Few weeks, and ill be movieng about 10 miles.... not worried about the move it self.. Im worried about

Temp, and power...

Im eyeing a chiller, and a larger genarator,

and on top of that, Im worried about moveing.... altho im not buying this house... its a great deal and will work great for me and cas, the Price is great!

Im thinking about my Ro, i thought about water psi on the way home from there today...
(its a house on 2 acre's) where my tanks are gonna go... all sorts of stuff is going thur my head, Anyone have and soothing advice? I think ill leave the tanks (moveing my 2 tanks) for the last thing.... after we get all are stuff from here 2 there, after im sorta settled in the new place. Ill come get the tanks... (another worrie of the tanks being here, and not there with me)

yo good luck

you seem to know what your doing so i wouldnt be to .

now about the temp, do you have a submersible heater.?
if so use that to keep the water warm while you move the tank.
that way the water will be at the right temp when you add the fish.
Ill setup the Ro at the new house and have that rdy for mixing b4 i move, Ill bucket everything down, brake the tank down load it, unload it, set it up and start it back up together.. all the water will stay the same... I expect a temp to drop, a few degree.... altho... but the end of july mid august, it could be hot...

i have a little bit of sand in the bottem.. some water and some stuff will stay in the tank dureing the move, Ill cover the tank for sloshing while moveing.
the fish will be baged and floated,

I will also have to unfish my ATo line thur the ceiling, I got a lotta crap to move, hard times ahead... Wish me luck Ill take lots of pics and let ya know how it all goes..
I am getting ready to move about 5 miles... actually will be moving on Sat.

Here is what I did last year... and what I will be doing this week.

I have a 55gal with about 50lbs lr and 1 five gal bucket of beach sand.
From last year I know that the tank has about 45 gals of water. I use the LFS's 10-15gal bucket with the rope handles for the lr. I filled that with the rocks with no coral on them. I then filled 5gal buckets with water from the tank and then moved the rocks with corals. I tried to keep the corals in their types. SPS, LPS, softies... and then a bucket of zoanthids. The fish went into one bucket but this week they will be in 2 buckets. I have an AZOO battery backup air pump(two outlets) and let the air pump run in the bucket. The last time I moved it, it took around 6-7 hrs from start to finish. I expect that this time will take longer because I am going to clean the rocks... and sand. I will have 10-15 gals of fresh water and a filter sock to reuse the water as much as possible.

I will be sure to capture this move on camera as much as possilbe
I just moved my tank last week. It took me and my friend 3hrs to take it down and set everything back up and thats including at least an hour travel time.
Best thing is just to be prepared. Its best like you said to get it over during the last day. Just get a big cooling box and make sure you secure all your rock so it doesn't crush corals that are glued on. Best thing is to just take your time(and have the time).

Good luck!
Good luick with the move Jon! I'm moving as well in about another 3-4 weeks! Good thing I don't have a tank to move :D
went shoping today.. got a bunch of stuff.. me a cas have bin righting stuff down on a list for ever, about what we need and what we want.....

we got a lotta stuff for the bathroom and kitchen, and started packing all the stuff we have...

the tanks the tanks the tanks...
so, ill move the bar that the sargent is on first... ill put him back on the stand that we made, ill move the bar and all the stuff down here... minus the RODI, the ATo and the 2 tanks and 2 stands...

ill take all the fish stuff over there...

ill (early in the morning) brake the ro down and the stand for the Ro, move that over, hook that up and start it up... ill come back get the 10g tank and stand...

ill take that over, set that up.... come back and do my 30.... I dont think its gonna be that hard... but depending on the temp out side that day.... (i dont know how this house is temp wise)

anyway.... im glad your move went well... hope everything stays that way...

get the pics going,
Here is the back yard of the new house. Like living in the forest

The garage was converted into 2 rooms... the wife has agreed to let me have the back room as a fish room... and it also has to double as a storage room... I can live with that. The walls were a light green and we painted them this nice shade of blue

Here I got all my buckets out, rinsed and wiped them all out. I bought the big container at HD for 5$.


I have had the air pump for about 3 yrs now and it still works like a champ when I need it. I pull it out the night before.. hook up the battery and let it charge overnight. I was still running when I put the fish back in the tank... a good 10hrs later
WOOT!!!!!!!!!! WHATS that air pump....

i have a power suply invertering for the car... that has a really good life to it... it will surely power a air pump or 2 .... thank you for the pictures... my pictures will be a few more weeks... but hopefuly i can hold on to this thread and not loose it..
Time is around 1200. Everything still running in the tank. MH is on keeping the temp up. I cleared the food and the seashells off the top of the tank and put them in a box to take to the house.


2 boxes of extra supplies (filters, hoses, pumps, and other various items) and the stand for the 2 10 gals that are going to be my frag tank set up. Yeah... finally have room for it.

1330- MH's off and time to start moving cords and hood.
Softie bucket on the left and the SPS, LPS bucket on the right.

My Zoa bucket and snail/hermit and pump bucket. I did this because the last time I moved I had a real big problem with all the coraline algea turning white on me. So this helped alot.

Close up of the Zoas... they faired really good. Only a couple of ripped polyps when I removed them from the tank.

Half drained....
This is at the new house with 3 buckets already removed from the car. I had most of the buckets and my friend, Gary (the next picture) had the hood and stand along with 3 buckets and the blue containers with all the various crap in them.

Buckets and hood in the house... ready for the tank


Everything is in the house.. ready for setup.




Everything back in the tank... and almost filled. it is now 12 hrs after starting the move.

I think my set back was that I wanted to clean the sand.. and that just messed it up for along time. I somehow didn't get enough fresh water to completely flush the sand.. so I ended up running the filters and changing the pads out every 30 mins until I was scared that nothing was going to live.... and then I rushed to get all the saltwater back in the tank and them livestock and rocks back into the tank.
Didn't get up too early the next morning... real late night... All the fish are alive and the only loss that I think I have is the daisy coral.

Ok so tomorrow is the fist big day... we sighed the paper work, and tomorrow morning we can go over there and start moving stuff..
gotta clean and take what small stuff we can take thur out the week... next weekend ill make the big more. and next weekend ill do the fish tanks..
but my next issue is gonna be my RO.. Im hoping that theres a ice maker and i can just tap in to that... for water... but If not, and i have to get Ro, I guess ill plug in between the water feed line (dont wanna go puting holes in this dudes plumbing)

Im putting all of my tanks downstairs the basement is finished but is tile. so i don't have to worry of water spills.

pictures tomarrow night...