The move

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Ok..... right off the bat.. went to home depot had to get a tee for the washer machine hook up... then i orderd a 3/4 garden hose-->1/4" euro... thats gonna be my hook up for my RO.... *(so happy we have nice water Psi)* Much cleaning....

ive selected the 2 spots for my tanks.....

the 2.5b tank ill keep alive (and will be the first to move) so i can keep the bacteria seeded stuff i have good incase and for future. i need the stand the 2.5 is on for the 10g.. he will go first... sunday.
i dont know when but soon when i get that fiting... ill take the ro over and start makeing ro..... Ill leave a 5 g bucket next to my tank with RODI and the powerhead i use to ATo..... so i can just check that as the week goes on. the 10g has a container i use for top offs. (Hi-C 1g) so that will keep my tanks good here at the house for a least a week.

Im still unsure my mind is runing like crazy.. I dont know if i want to take the 2 little tanks first and then do the big tank.

On the other sad note... i think i will be a half of week with out internet at the new house.............. Im gonna check out the wireless situation... see if i can bum a small connection of soon noob or lives by....

where all moved in... both tanks look great... total down time was about 2 hours on the big tank and 20 min in the little tank...

all is well all is accounted for... i cant find my cord to upload my pic's i didnt get to meny pictures... i was really stressed... but im in the new house.. the fishies are ok.. everyone is alive...

no loss!