the new member of the family

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spongebob lover

flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
no no it's not a child :shock::lol:, we finally decided to get a puppy :D and after looking all over, breeders, petfinder and what not on line, Thanks to Tike666 (Willie)and his roomate's dog hehe we found our cute little puppy, her name is Robacha ( my son created the name so i don't know what does it mean), we picked her up last saturday and so far she's doing good, i'm training her to do her business outside and so far she has had only a few mistakes, she cries at night to let me know that it's time to go :lol: (very smart dog if you ask me).
my son is in love with Robacha, he plays with her, makes her run all over the place that the poor dog sometimes just wants a break :lol: ....seriously i have to put her on the couch so the poor dog can take a nap:shock: :lol:.
my little one (Olivia) is scared of the puppy but she's getting better, we're trying to teach her to not be afraid .
yesterday i took her for her first walk and she was doing good until we passed by a house full of dogs, she got so so scared that she threw herself to the floor and started crying like nobodys business, so i had to walk a different way.
she also got to meet my neighbour's pitts (two females) and played for a little bit with them (she kept wanting milk from both of them :lol: )
Anyways, here she is .... sleeping while she can :lol:


Shot with Canon PowerShot S400


Shot with Canon PowerShot S400


Shot with Canon PowerShot S400
She is very cute. Be careful leaving the shoes around though. Our dog thinks all of our shoes are his toys and if we leave them down he takes off with them. Doesn't chew them up, but loves to carry them around the house. :)
yes dood, i'm teaching her not to chew on shoes even though she's not that interested in them more than she is in socks :lol: .
she likes to nip at us but i give her the toys right away, so hopefully after a while she'll get it and just go for the toys instead of us:lol: :p:).
Cute puppy! We had someone pay down on our townhouse to buy it and we are actually in the process of buying a house now which we should hopefully be in by the end of July if all goes well and a dog will be on my list of first things to get. I am a huge dog lover! I actually only got back into aquariums because I couldn't have a dog in this place because we felt it just wouldn't work here. So I should hopefully have one as well soon :D
Cute puppy! We had someone pay down on our townhouse to buy it and we are actually in the process of buying a house now which we should hopefully be in by the end of July if all goes well and a dog will be on my list of first things to get. I am a huge dog lover! I actually only got back into aquariums because I couldn't have a dog in this place because we felt it just wouldn't work here. So I should hopefully have one as well soon :D
Well if you were closer:

Gabs my family is sooooo happy with the choice of family Robacha has!
Cute puppy! We had someone pay down on our townhouse to buy it and we are actually in the process of buying a house now which we should hopefully be in by the end of July if all goes well and a dog will be on my list of first things to get. I am a huge dog lover! I actually only got back into aquariums because I couldn't have a dog in this place because we felt it just wouldn't work here. So I should hopefully have one as well soon

good luck with the house dood, it's a lot of work but worth it :), plus Emily is getting to that stage where she's gonna need a bigger backyard :D .
I'm a huge huge dog lover too, all my life i wanted to have a dog but we lived in an condo in mexico city so no dogs,i'd always feed hotdogs or whatever we had to the street dogs without telling my grandma which of course she'd just wonder why the heck there was always a line of dogs outside our door :lol::p.

What breed of dog is that? Very cool looking, I love the ears!

well let's see:D, willie's dog is half herding dog with pittbul and i'm guessing just because of the markings on Robacha, dad was a rottie maybe sharpei ? :lol: :lol: .

this is Robacha after a bath :lol::lol:.


Shot with Canon PowerShot S400
ok question, how can i get the puppy to like puppy treats? :lol: seems like she doesn't like puppy treats ....and it's the bacon ones :confused:.
ohh yeah and how can i stop her from nipping our legs :confused::eek:?
Very cute pup Gaby. I've got 3 dogs of my own, not pups but they're a handful.
Gaby... from flea whisperer to dog whisperer LOL!
LMBO!! i'm dog whispering her :lol:, tomorrow she's going to see the vet for the first time so hopefully it won't be to painful :p
hey does anyone know a good pee pee cleaner thingy? :p:lol: .
with the whole potty training, my neighbour was telling me that i have to make sure i clean good the place where Robacha pees or she'll do it again (and ohh boy does she do it :lol:) i've been using Clorox on the hard wood floors and vinager but i don't think it's working :lol: , so does anyone know a good cleaning pee pee formula for the spots where she goes :lol::lol: ?
Gaby, at the petstore I go to they recommended "Petzyme." It is supposed to break down the compounds and scent with enzymes or something. Then you are supposed to follow with your regular cleanser.

My friend had great success training his puppy to tell him when he needed to go outside. He put a little bell near the door and every time he was going to take the puppy out, he would ring the bell beforehand, then they'd go outside and take care of business, come back in, ring the bell again, and then my friend would give a doggie treat.

Supposedly it only took a few days before this puppy was running up to the door and ringing the bell when he wanted to go outside and pee. :)
Thank you Jan i like the idea of the bell :) , at night so far she's been good at letting me know by crying that she's gotta go #2 :D :lol:, it's #1 that she still makes a couple mistakes here and there :) .
now how has everyone trained your dogs to not nip? :lol: far i did dog whispe style with the sshtt shht, then i do the clapping right away and say no, but she's a little bit on the stuburn side :lol: any more ideas? :)
update !!
she had her first vet visit wednesday and they said that she's good but that she had tons and tons of round worms, she has her next appoiment in 4 weeks to see how everything is going .