The Official PSAS Bob Moore frag swap 2013

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

Help Support Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum:

I had to apologize on another parallel thread for this specific issue. I'll do the same here. I want this event to be about us hobbyists first of all and the animals we care for. This should primarily be an event for people to get together, have fun, trade (or buy), and enjoy the day. Some people have hard feelings that vendors are there selling things or that other hobbyists sell things instead of strictly trading.

The truth is, that we had to spend hundreds more to book this location than past years, but we wanted to move it North out of respect for our northern hobbyists that have driven South for years. This was as far North as we could afford. Because participation has been down, we pushed hard to bring in vendors. They pay a nominal fee for a booth, which helps us cover the cost of the building. We have a great list of people we're proud to have coming, but space is tight. So, we have a location more North, but it's smaller, more expensive, and has potential power limitations.

A very generous member has offered to bring his generator in case we run out of circuits. I have a box of shiny new drop cords to try to tap every outlet in the building. We still are tight for space, but you're welcome to bring a small tank and squeeze in on one of the counters in the kitchen. We haven't actively advertised for people to bring tanks because we don't want to over-promise.

Here is what we're asking for hobbyists that want to bring a tank:
-Please limit the size of your tank. Please nothing over 20g (10g would be awsome)
-Bring LED's if at all possible. MH are out of the question.
-Setup is at 8:00-10:00 for vendors and people setting up tanks. You have to pay admission if you aren't one of the volunteers or already have a current PSAS card.
-Tear-down is from 3:00-6:00. We absolutely have to be out with the building clean at 6:00 for a square dance group that's coming in.
-We will have a 100g stock tank with extra water (no lights) on hand to top off our tanks. It will be to temp. If you want to bring coral and float them in there to stay warm, you are welcome to. Just mark you coral clearly and understand that we can't be held accountable that one person out of a hundred that can't be trusted. It's an option if you don't want to bring a tank but want to keep your critters warm.
-Vendors have first priority. They are coming, in some cases from hundreds of miles away with thousands of dollars in livestock. We're going to do everything we can to accommodate people bringing in tanks. However, if we run out of room, the power starts failing and our generator can't keep up, or earthquakes happen, be ready to take care of your animals. Have a good cooler and a heater pack.
-Please PM me and let me know you intend to bring a tank.

I really am sorry we didn't book a bigger venue. We were trying to be fiscally responsible considering the trends in participation we've been seeing at meetings. We're really happy to see interest in the event. Please be patient with us as we're just a bunch of volunteers trying to organize a fun event for the community. If you have concerns or questions, please PM me.
Update on Raffle items:

If you buy a raffle ticket but can’t stay all day to claim your prize:

Write your name, address, and phone number on the ticket stub that you put in the raffle bin. Oceans by Design has agreed to hold onto raffle items that aren't claimed at the event. We will contact you and coordinate with OBD for you to pick up your winnings during their regular business hours.
Earlier I posted up a response where I asked everyone that plans on bringing a tank to contact me personally. I have a list going for administrative purposes to keep track of who all have contacted me about bringing tanks. I also made a special trip back to the venue a week ago and took down specific dimensions of the kitchen, table space that will be available, and counter space. I wanted to plan out a spot ahead of time for every vendor to see what was left. I have attached a diagram I put together that is drawn to scale. I have made plans to bring an extra platform we'll use as a table (the island highlighted red). It's very sturdy and will easily accommodate six 10g tanks. We also have the counter space available highlighted red. It's not ideal. Tanks there will be in the way, but we will all be rubbing elbows anyway.


All table space not highlighted red is already spoken for. Like I said, I have asked everyone to contact me if they're bringing tanks. I am keeping track of the names. I can't help it if someone shows up to the event with their pet elephant and asks me where they can park it. What I mean is, I can save a few people the frustration if I see that we are reaching the absolute max of what we can handle for space. (Please don't bring your elephant, unless you willing to give kiddy rides in the parking lot. :) ) We have three, possibly four, generators scheduled to be there, mine is small but reliable and will be there.

So, we're doing everything we can to make the best of a less than perfect situation. Thanks again to everyone that has volunteered to help set up, tear down, and bring equipment to support the event. And thanks for those that contacted me to let me know they're bringing tanks. We're really happy to have the heart of the hobby represented: the hobbyist and the animals they take care of.

If you're bringing a tank, please try to bring a drop cord if you have one. Mark it well so it doesn't get lost. We'll be running power from all over the building and maybe outside to a generator.
Here's the list I have for local hobbyists bringing tanks:

Smoknreefr – 10g
Salmonslayer / WA coral – 10g shared
IPisces – 10g
Nemcrazy – Representing the Coldwater Reefers (Should be a really "cool" little tank) hehe..
Nata – Her traveling frag tank

If you don't see your name on the list but it should be there, let me know (via PM preferred so I don't miss it in one of the many threads I'm tracking for the event). I'll update the list as I hear back from people.
Oh wow we don't have to be there to setup till 8 I was thinking 7. Phew a extra hour of sleep :)

Ha for you!

I will be up at 4 am to get stuff together in time to leave by 6 to get there by 8.
Now I have to catch a fish the night before! haha!
Just a reminder, those of you that are volunteering here on this list get in free. Those that show up in the morning, please remind us to get you the wrist bands so that our "staff" at the front door don't harass you as you come and go asking if you've checked in already once the general public starts coming and going. Everyone's name is on our contact list that will be at the front door. For those of you working the late shift only, just have the "staff" check the contact list so you get checked in for free and get the wrist band.

8:00 am - 11:00 am

1. Duffer
2. SedroStyle
3. Eartaker
4. thatguy559
5. Shane and John

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
1. NemCrazy
2. IPisces
3. thatguy559

4. Ichthys

5. Eartaker

We'll also have an email sign up sheet at the front door. We're trying to organize a list of people we email monthly with news about the PSAS, other adjacent clubs in the region and nearby states, news about limited time offers from local stores, and anything else hobby-related that we can find to include. It's not just about the PSAS, although it's a good way to stay in touch. We want this to be another way to stay in touch with all of our fellow hobbyists no matter what their affiliation. It always stinks to hear about something going on when it's too late. If you have info you want to be included in this newsletter: sign up for the newsletter, get our email address, and let us know. If you want to be added right now, PM Raamiah

PS: I've received a few email addresses on forms filled out by hand that I couldn't decipher. Please print legibly. If you think should be on the list but haven't received them, you just might be one of those people. Please sign up again, and forgive me for not being able to figure it out.
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We just received two huge donations from Digital Aquatics:​

The first is a Lifeguard Monitoring System​

(Click the image above to visit their site and learn more)

Lifeguard will help you avoid some of the most common issues with aquarium
before they end up costing you a lot of time, money and precious livestock.

The number one cause of tank failures is temperature spikes/drops. These can be
caused by a number of things including heater or chiller failures, under powered
heating or cooling systems as well as circulation pump failures and more. Lifeguard
will constantly monitor temperature and alert you at the first sign of trouble helping
you avoid complete tank disasters!

Another issue that your aquarium can have that’s often an indicator of bigger issues
is pH level shifts. pH levels can be affected by a variety of problems. While your fish
can often handle reasonable swings in ph, your most delicate coral cannot!
Lifeguard will, again, notify you at the first sign of trouble!

This feature is even more important if you’re controlling the pH levels in your
aquarium! Lifeguard can send an email if your controller ever fails or an event
happens where the controller is no longer able to regulate.
In addition, Lifeguard help save you time when testing ph. You can get extremely
accurate pH readings at a glance. No more comparing colors on a chart that is often
a “best guess”. And no more fumbling around with solutions and test sticks...​

The Second is a ReefKeeper Lite(Basic) Control System​

(Click the image above to visit their site and learn more)​

Both of these will be raffled off this Saturday.

If you weren't already aware, Digital Aquatics is based in Woodenville, WA. Digital Aquatics was started in 2004
and has grown to be a fixture in the aquarium industry. From their humble beginnings with the ReefKeeper
controller, now called the RK1, they've built the most flexible and cost effective system on the market with the
ReefKeeper Elite (RKE) and ReefKeeper Lite (RKL).​

To learn more about their company and their contributions to the hobby, Click the following link:
Digtial Aquatics: About Us
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I've got some bad news and some good news. First, the bad news. Three of the vendors coming from the Colorado area all dropped out: GonzosCoralFrags, ReefKoi, and theCoralShop.
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The good news is that Digital Aquatics not only donated two great systems to the event,
it looks like they are going to be selling systems at the event.
Credit card only though. They will be selling five systems:

1. ReefKeeper Lite Basic (Digital Aquatics) - MSRP $119.99; show sale price $113.99 + tax

2. ReefKeeper Lite Plus – MSRP $279.99; show sale price $265.99 + tax


3. ReefKeeper Elite Plus (Digital Aquatics ) – MSRP $349.99; show sale price $332.49 + tax


4. ReefKeeper Elite NET – MSRP $449.99; show sale price $427.49 + tax

5. Lifeguard (Lifeguard Monitoring System ) – MSRP $219.99; show sale price $208.99 + tax

A little disclaimer: I am posting this on behalf of Digital Aquatics. I was given some images to show some of the systems that will be available for purchase and I tried to match them up with the particular system that was listed. Some of pictures might not correctly match up with the description given. Please check out their site to learn more about their systems.
Click their banner above to go to their home page.
Ha for you!

I will be up at 4 am to get stuff together in time to leave by 6 to get there by 8.
Now I have to catch a fish the night before! haha!

Thanks I'll be up at 5 arranging things too. I don't have much to bring and trade, wish I did. I just sold a bunch in december and well didn't have enough to grow out.
hopefully be out of here by 530.
Make sure to atleast get a COFFEE :D I'll be getting a quad shot personally. Unless I got 32oz then it maybe 5 :/
Yea, tomorrow. I have a lot to get together tonight an I am not going to be home before 8pm. I am stuck in this stupid ferry traffic. 2 hour wait right now.:mad:

Sent from my SCH-I405 using Tapatalk 2
Thank you PSAS for a Great Event. It's always Fun to see Fellow Reefers. Thank you to all of the Sponsors and everyone who helped to make this event :)
I can't thank everyone enough for making this a lot of fun for us to put on. Thanks to the sponsors who have always supported the local community, our friends from neighboring cities and states, the vendors coming in from out of state, and all of volunteers and hobbyists who were there to make this happen.

If anyone is wondering about the results of the raffles, all raffle items were claimed at the event. There are no unclaimed raffle items that will need to be picked up at OBD.

We've got a lot of cleaning up and organizing to do after the event. I'll post my pictures once I can get everything processed. If you've got any good pictures, we'd really love to see them.
It was a great show this year. Thank you to the BOD and to all the sponsors AND all the members that came out to swap coral and support the event and PSAS!

Sent from my SCH-I405 using Tapatalk 2
It was a amazing show. Awesome turn out.
Everything went great. Way to go everyone that helped and make it possible.
I'll be happy to help out any time.
Thank You!!! PSAS for a fantastic event. The BOD did an amazing job of promotion this year and all deserve a huge round of applause :clap2: Also, Thank You!!! to all who took the time to stop by the booth and talk. Whew that was one busy day of talking :D I haven't had that many people lined up since I used to work the home show back in the good ol' days. This community rocks and I only wish we could have more attended events like this more often. It's so good to see familiar faces and meet so many new ones :cool: