The writing is on the wall

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Apr 8, 2005
Everett, WA
Well, I think I have had a possible setback with my tank at work.

My group is getting ready to move to a new floor in our building next weekend and I needed to make arrangements to come in and move the tank while the movers are moving all of the furniture. Our head of facilities didn't know I had the tank and is concerned about the potential for damage if it leaks. I think the writing is on the wall for this tank. She didn't say I couldn't move it, but I am pretty sure it is coming. :(

On the plus side, I will have a good quarantine tank.

It is just kind of sad. So many people here enjoy the tank and it is going to suck to have to take it home.

Any advice on arguments to convince them that it should stay? I was going to use the standards:

1. Lots of people enjoy the tank.
2. It is low maintainence.
3. The risk of a leak is very small. It is a self contained unit.
4. I have had a tank at work for almost 2 years and it was never a concern before.
Here are a few for you:

1. If you work in a stressful environment, you could say that it has a calming and relaxing effect on all who view it.

2. Have your co-workers make "off-hand" comments around her about how wonderful your tank is.

3. Make a promise to her that you will put in an even bigger and more beautiful tank!

4. Explain how your tank increases everyones productivity, makes people eager to get to work, all the while decreasing blah-blah-blah. "It slices, it dices, AND it Julians!"

5. Use peer pressure. "All the cool kids are doing it, don't YOU want to be COOL?"

1. In a raised tone of voice, verbally "veto" her decision in front of all her subordinates, embarrassing her into submission.

2. Threaten to leave because she(your boss) is creating a stressful work environment that no one should have to tolerate.

3. Don't forget that blackmailing her would be far more compelling than any argument. :D

I'm sorry if this is a little off topic but I also have a 12g aquapod that I used to have on my desk at work. I noticed in your other thread that you added a fan in the extra slot under the hood. Could you tell me how difficult that was and how did you wire it in? Did it take a lot of moding?

On no, all you have to do is begin the accomodation process..... due to stress, you "need" to retain the tank which will enable you to meet successfully meet the duties and expectations of your position. :)
How do you people think Duane was able to get his new 210 gallon? :lol::lol: JK
Naw, I played the "if I gain this you gain that" card. I get a 6x8 shed and a bigger fish tank, essentially in the name of saving electricity from consolidating two systems. ;) My wife gets a 10x10 carpeted, air conditioned room for her hobbies.
Im sure Jamie is familiar with marital manipulations to get what he wants. Something similar may be necessary to keep the tank at work.

I'm sorry if this is a little off topic but I also have a 12g aquapod that I used to have on my desk at work. I noticed in your other thread that you added a fan in the extra slot under the hood. Could you tell me how difficult that was and how did you wire it in? Did it take a lot of moding?


There is actually a plug for a second fan on the fan controller circuit board in the hood. The tricky part is getting the right connector. I ended up fabricating one from a different type of connector. There are also screw holes for the second fan already, so they made it easy to add.

The 2 fans in the front were a little different though. I ended up getting a multi-voltage power supply and just hooking that to the 2 fans so that I can control the voltage/speed that they run at.
Here are a few for you:

1. If you work in a stressful environment, you could say that it has a calming and relaxing effect on all who view it.

2. Have your co-workers make "off-hand" comments around her about how wonderful your tank is.

3. Make a promise to her that you will put in an even bigger and more beautiful tank!

4. Explain how your tank increases everyones productivity, makes people eager to get to work, all the while decreasing blah-blah-blah. "It slices, it dices, AND it Julians!"

5. Use peer pressure. "All the cool kids are doing it, don't YOU want to be COOL?"

1. In a raised tone of voice, verbally "veto" her decision in front of all her subordinates, embarrassing her into submission.

2. Threaten to leave because she(your boss) is creating a stressful work environment that no one should have to tolerate.

3. Don't forget that blackmailing her would be far more compelling than any argument. :D

Great ideas. I haven't heard anything more yet. I talked to my boss and he said not to worry too much about it. He ok'd it in the first place and said he would go to bat for me if it comes down to it. We'll see what happens over the next few days.
Naw, I played the "if I gain this you gain that" card. I get a 6x8 shed and a bigger fish tank, essentially in the name of saving electricity from consolidating two systems. ;) My wife gets a 10x10 carpeted, air conditioned room for her hobbies.
Im sure Jamie is familiar with marital manipulations to get what he wants. Something similar may be necessary to keep the tank at work.

That is pretty much what I have to do at home. It kind of sucks because whatever I want for the tank costs me double.
It looks like the tank is going to have to go. My boss is going to push back and try to talk them into letting me keep it, but I don't think he will be able to. I will probably know more next week.

If all else fails, I am going to sell off the corals & fish and set up the tank as a quarantine tank at home. I have been very bad at the whole QT thing and this could be a good opporitunity to take care of that. Like they say, if life gives you lemons you make lemonade.

I will probably be posting all of the corals for sale next week. I went through everything in the tank and there is a lot there. Pretty much everything in the tank is a frag from my tank at home although there are a few things that I only have in this tank. I will take those home and get rid of the rest.
After alot of back and forth it has been decided that I get to keep the tank at work. I just have to sign something saying that I am responsible for taking care of the tank and will not let it become an eyesore.
The tank has been moved to it's new location. I got up at 4am this morning to move the tank before work. It was all up and running by 7:30.

I ended up draining it about 3/4 of the way and removing most of the rock & coral. They were placed in a rubbermaid container with some of the water. I did about a 30% water change with the move. Everything is opened, polyps extending and generally happy, all things considered. The temp got down a little lower than I would have liked (75.5), but I have been slowly been bringing it back up. It is at 78.6 right now and should stabilize at 78.9-79.2.

Here is a pic of the tank in its new space.


The view is much better from here too. :)