Thoughts and prayers needed

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Angie's Grandpa really needs all of our thoughts and prayers. He was flown from Kalispel, MT to Harbor View Burn Unit, early this afternoon. We don't know a lot of details yet. All we know is that he was severely burned, along the front of his body, earlier today, while working around his home. He'll be 73 in a couple of days. At this time, we don't have any more details. I'll post more, as we find out.

We're trying to figure out a way to get Angie and her Mom over there, tomorrow.

Thank you all.
Thank you all! It looks like we may delay going over. He's going to have surgery Thursday and will not be allowed any visitors, for a couple of days afterward. Between now and then, he's pretty miserable, as their always having to, how do I put this delicately, remove burnt and dying flesh, so fluids don't build up. It's probably best, for now, that he has less visitors, to enable him to rest, when they allow him to.
WOW sorry to hear this, prayers & thoughts to you & family & him for the best, one of my best friends had an 80% oil burn years ago, he lost lots of his body but is the nicest guy in the world & holds each day dear to his heart.
Well, Angie's Grandpa was supposed to have some test skin graphs today, but those surgeries were delayed. They believe he may have an upper respiratory infection and don't want to take any chances, with a surgery, at this time. The plan is to "test" some cadaver skin, to see if it "takes." If that is successful, they'll begin removing skin from his back, to use as skin graphs.