tide pool build

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ya, kinda like it better then my reef aquarium, since my corals arnt getting knocked over every hour by my hermit crab.

also kinda want to find some urchins for my tank, but dont know where they are, where to get them. star fish are easy to find and have not looked for slugs or urchins yet.
having an issue with temp, its at 68 right now, no chiller....just water bottles frozen. also have the canister filter in a 5g bucket with ice/water/salt. will check temp in a hour hopefully going down. nothing is dead today but some do not look to well the shrimp are swimming around a lot but maybe finally conformable with the tank.

1 chiton/ anems have died but everything else is fine don't know why maybe heat/ lack of eating.

need to beat this heat.../=
Crummy! Good luck finding a chiller or something. What about a cheap a/c pointed at it?? lowes had some for $100.
The nems look awesome in there!!
may pic one up tomorrow. low low tide tomorrow, so time to look around, found some small pentip size hermits, time to find bigger ones :) but ya sitting at 68 atm with frozen water bottles ( 1 gallon jugs in it) so tonight i may be able to cool it off if i deal with ice and cool it over night.
my very ghetto chiller.


and my live stock from todays harvest...? went out on low low -2 tide.






chiton with nems.

going to check how the chiller home made form a refrigerator (mini) is doing. the heat on the copper coils was amazing so that is why it is in water now to try and increase the surface area.

go a eel like fish today. but cant seems to find i in the mess of rocks/ and worring about the heat.

very hard to take great pics.
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okay need a smaller tank. this big tank is to much work right now.

will trade for smaller tank ( 135 + canister filter)
breaking it down to sell, i need a smaller tank for this. 135 is a tad to big atm to work with cold water.
This is such a great idea though...the thought of going out onto the beach and being able to just pick up your livestock :D You could probably find some pretty cool fish by catching with a small hook even!

But yeah a smaller tank would work much better for this