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I just did clean mine the other day and it is working better. A word to the wise, if your unit does have a white screw, make sure you put it back in before turning the powerhead back. I had a stream of water almost hit the ceiling one time. I wish I had a video of those few seconds.
lol i probly would have done the dame thing..... but i had put the cup in b4 i turn ed it back on....
I also use the Remora. I could go a week without emptying the cup, but I also clean it more often, because production drops off when the neck is gunked up. I use the bottle brush through the nozzle (this is the white screw) about monthly, at least. I notice a difference when I do this.

When I clean with muriatic acid, I use a 4:1 ratio, but definitely outside, in the dirt. That stuff will etch concrete. I usually let it run for a few minutes, just because. MA works extremely quickly. Afterward, I rinse out the skimmer with the garden hose thoroughly. Next, I fill the bucket that had MA in it, with the garden hose and run the skimmer for a few minutes with the hose running in the bucket, constantly overflowing the bucket.

I only do this a couple times per year. When I do, I notice production skyrockets, but it's extremely wet and clear. Typically, I have to raise the cup WAY up for a couple weeks while it settles back down. Most of the time, I run my collection cup as wet (low) as it goes, without even using the rubber band.
I just did clean mine the other day and it is working better. A word to the wise, if your unit does have a white screw, make sure you put it back in before turning the powerhead back. I had a stream of water almost hit the ceiling one time. I wish I had a video of those few seconds.

You must not have the D-I-Y "silencer" for yours! :) (otherwise you'd always remember to replace the screw)

Silencer = folded ,wet paper towel* laid over top of the intake tube (where that screw is).

It can dramtically reduce the hissing noise that comes from the first chamber....

(* Actually I use a piece of thin sheet packaging foam folded over 2-3 times--works like a charm!)
Every time I tried the "silencer," the skimmer stopped producing completely. I assumed air was being blocked from getting into the nozzle. Any ideas?
Every time I tried the "silencer," the skimmer stopped producing completely. I assumed air was being blocked from getting into the nozzle. Any ideas?

Hmm.. I've never experienced this.:confused:

(My first attempt at a silencer was an old, plastic algae-scraping-sponge from my FW days--it had nice big, open "cells". Eventually I switched to the denser closed-cell foam for better noise muffling.)

I could see where if you were using something solid--like my packaging foam--you would have to be careful not to make a completely air-tight seal.
(Which I would think would be pretty hard to do in practice anyways--I know mine is far from air-tight because it always get a funny wrinkle in it, doesn't completely fill the corners, etc.)

But if you're using something like a sponge or wet towel--the material should still be permeable to it should still work, in theory....

I run a Mag-3 pump on mine--don't know if that's a factor or not....

(It might just be some random difference in our units.)
I know I CAN'T run my skimmer as "wet as it goes, w/o using the rubber band" because the last time I tried that it pulled out about 7-8 gallons of foam in a single night :eek: or = ~10% of my total tank volume....)
I can't even imagine it being an air restriction thing, honestly. I've modded my skimmer with a fresh air inlet, at the bottom of the nozzle chamber. It would seem logical that I could completely close off the area above the nozzle and get all the air from the modified air hole. Oh well. I'll experiment some more. I could have had the paper towel too wet, or maybe there was some chemical in it (ink or perfumes?) that was having an odd side effect.
Yeah, If you've modded an extra air-hole then it definitely souldn't be an air-flow issue!
(of course a silencer, if it does work, won't be as silent on your unit since the more fresh air in = more noise out :razz: )

I guess it could be some chemical quirkiness with the the paper towel... I think the foam is more inert....

I do remember reading on RC where someone used a square piece of flexible plastic (like a margarine tub) cut to fit--with short pieces of airline glued to the sides to make a REALLY quite silencer....personally, I don't have that much patience to assemble something like that :) .
(Besides when I want my Remora to be totally silent--I just turn it off! :rolleyes: )
So I used a different brand of paper towel (actually a paper napkin) and it's working out now. I've had that Remora on there almost 3 years... this is nice. The skimmer was definitely the loudest part of the tank, by a mile. My house feels so quiet, I keep wanting to look at the tank to see what's wrong.
I want to thank everyone who jumped onto this thread. I do have a white screw and a much better understanding of how often/ how to clean the pump and injector. I like the silencer idea and will have to give it a try.
So I used a different brand of paper towel (actually a paper napkin) and it's working out now. I've had that Remora on there almost 3 years... this is nice. The skimmer was definitely the loudest part of the tank, by a mile. My house feels so quiet, I keep wanting to look at the tank to see what's wrong.

Glad it worked! That little piece of paper/plastic/foam sure can make a big difference! :D
(But don't worry--in a week you'll forget how loud it ever was and--if you're like me--you'll move on to the next thing like, "How can I make a silencer for my nosiy {canopy cooling fans}?" )
I want to thank everyone who jumped onto this thread. I do have a white screw and a much better understanding of how often/ how to clean the pump and injector. I like the silencer idea and will have to give it a try.

Phew, happy to hear you liked the Silencer idea--I was afraid Sherman and I were going to get called for thread-hijacking! ;)
Hey all
I have a Remora Pro with a Mag 3 and pre-filter box, since i use Poly-Filter in the pre filter box to control bubbles getting back into the tank, i gave it a try in the silencer mod and i works great, plus it is fully reef safe! Just cut one pad in half , fold and voila .....
BTW, thanks scytale for the mod idea in the first place, also has anybody here went from a mag 3 to a mag 5 or mag 7 for their remora pro 's ? I have a 72g bow and think that i need a little more flow than the mag 3 ...any suggestions ...