toadstool coral

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Jun 12, 2005
My toadstoll as been in for past 5 days ? phos 0.1 cal 380 ph 8.2 salt 26 den 35/ mag 1600 / kh / alk 8.0 2.86/ any help
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!

How is it looking? Is there something specific you are concerned about?
hi well its not coming out plus slight brown specs on top,
regards tylands,
Is this fairly new to your tank has anthing changed / been added ? Is anything close by it is the tank past 3 months ?
this happens alot just give it time he will shed a layer of skin and bam he will open up leathers are very hardy i cut them up with scissors to frag them and they always open back up :)
indeed... "leather" corals of several genera are quite fussy about polyp extension after being moved (or with changes in light, slainity, etc.)

Give good water flow and have patience. Above all... DO NOT move this or any new coral around the tank more than once after new arrival. Its very stressful.

best of luck, my friend

The only thing i have done in the past few weeks is changed my phos remover inside my ex filter using now kent marine phos sponge, regards carl
no worries, mate... keep up with good water flow and give it some time. A few leathers (like thick finger Lobophyton species) can literally take months before they put their polyps back out after being moved/disturbed.
thats what did it everytime i put kent phospate in my sump my leathers would shut for longer than normal give them time and get rid of the phospate remover and do a water change i have a leather that has been in my family for over 10 years :)

tylands said:
inside my ex filter using now kent marine phos sponge
Very true on the above from Chris. I have never been a fan of artificial control, water changes and husbandry improvements are more long term solutions. That said though, if you do feel the "need" for these kinds of products, steer clear of aluminum oxides, corals react very poorly in their presence. Only ferric oxides should be used but as I said, a last resort. Rowaphos and Phosban would be less harmfull to the system on the whole.

i know form my tank that my rasta leather,singularis flexibulus or something like that i think is very sensitive to being does not like all.will retract for days.i try not to move it much.i think it has found a happy home for now.
my kenya tree is thriving on the new kent phos remover must like the clean water, the ex filter is now producing, but the toadstool coral is still closed,
do be careful to never give credit directly to one product to the sudden "improvement" of your corals. Behaviorally... they can be responding to something indirectly (as with such chemical media reducing solids/colors in the water and improving light penetration via clarity, not water quality compositionally as with adsorption by carbon or phos removing products solely).

Other times... the improvement is merely coincidental and the result of some other change you made weeks or months ago, like steadily better skimming.

Other perceived improvements like polyp expansion are actually a negative response to waning light, degrading water color (often unnoticed by folks) which reduces the penetration of light... hence the corals increased polyp expansion as they pan for the declining available light.

Point being... don't give too much credit to any one product, such as phosphate remover, for tank health (or not). Few things have such impact singly.