Toadstool leather and Niger Trigger

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New member
Apr 23, 2012
Bremerton, WA
I recently bought a 120 gallon tank and it has a couple of large toadstool leathers and I recently put a niger trigger in the tank bc it said that it was reef safe and it looks like he knawed on the leather but the leather is starting to bloom per say. Im not sure if this is from where the leather is reattaching itself or if the niger is really nipping at it. But I didnt figure the toadstool would get better if it was being pestered. Right now I am feeding him once a day. Should I feed him more or any opinions on the trigger? He gets along with the other fish and him and my yellow tang stay together constantly. Just looking for a little advice.


Hey welcome to another member on the kitsap peninsula. Good to have you Scott. It would be helpful to have a picture, but we have to wait for that I guess. Or maybe email me one and I can post it. Anyway, it is possible it took a bite or two out of it, not knowing. It probably wont do it again, but keep an eye on him. They actually are not "reef safe" for the reason they will eat invertebrates', but I think coral is okay. If it is not secured it may get moved though. And if there is food on or near it, it may damage the coral going after the food. They are aggressive eaters.
I had a wrasse that must have thought the polyps were pods and took a few bites out of my toadstool, but has since learned its not food, so he's left it alone.
Oh, if you can feed more than once a day, you could. Nothing wrong with that. Just be careful not to overfeed. Might keep him satisfied enough not to turn things over looking for food.