top off question

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ya, when i had the hoods on, it need little top off but the temp would go up. been runnin with out them for about two months now. thanks though
just got back from my trip and the SG went from 1.025 to 1.030. every thing in the tank seems fine but how do i get the SG back where it belongs with out shocking every thing? i lost about three inches of water out of the sump. the temp in the house sord to over 90f normaly the place stays around 75-80f, but i closed the house up and left also left the air off. i did leave a fan running over the tank and the tank was 83 when i got back. so i thank the Lord that every thing is still alive. right now i have a small but stedy stream of RO water running in to the sump to try and get the water back up and the SG back down. if it wasn't for the 5 Gal. bucket with a drip line i would have lost even more water.