I don't like any of you. I thought I was cool because I finally got a power compacts. Slow it down and let me catch up. JK 
I'm interested in this, how does plasma compare to LEDs heat wise?
Okay so we are in agreemnt that you still have to dim LEDs to acheive that certain look you want.
I have a 48" tank so I would be paying around the same if not more in led lighting. all I would need is 1 plasma arc light and maybe 2-3 led units to acheive the same coverage. Does that make sense
dimming is decreasing intesity.....so you mean to tell me that when you adjust the color ration on your unit you are not dimming your lighting therefore turning down the intensity.....im pretty sure if you adjust the leds you will vary in par.
So what you could do is get the 400 watt fixture and run the dimmer to get the blue in there. Running at full power is very bright but the K is so low on it.