TOTM February

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Reef Keeper
Jul 5, 2003
Becca and Eric's 180 gallon reef


Screen Name (eww)
Becca & Eric

Tank Size
Display Tank is 180 gallon, 72" x 24" x 24"
Sump 110 gallon TruVu acrylic

Custom DIY 144 3 watt Cree LED (48 white, 36 blue, 51 royal blue, 3 red, 6 green)



SWC Mini S Cone skimmer, refugium ( lit by LED red and blue panel), BRS dual carbon reactor

Live Stock
Yellow Tang, Sailfin Tang, Flame Hawk, two Ocellaris Clown fish, Flame Angel,
one Bengai Cardinal fish, three Hawaiian bi-colored Anthias, one green Chromis,
one green Corias wrasse, various snails


Date Tank Was Started
July 24, 2011

How Did You Get Into This Hobby?
We can thank Todd Lachmann for introducing us to this hobby. We went to his house a few years ago to purchase a stand that he had listed on Craigslist for a 70 gallon tall tank that we just bought at our LFS as an upgrade for our fresh water fish. While chit chatting about the stand he wanted to show us his tank...And that was the end of the upgrade for our fresh water fish.


What Was Your Favorite Part of The Build?
That is something else we need to thank Todd for. Since registering we have met so many people. On this build we worked with Dave(peppie), Guerry, Mike(mojoreef), and Staurt(hersey). And of course we couldn't do this build without Darrell(dalbery) finding the tank. That is the best part about this build, working closely with fellow reefers and friends.

Dosing and Schedule.
We are currently dosing through a Kalk reactor, via the ATO

Feeding (Fish and Coral) and Schedule.
We make our own fish food,(kelp and seafood blend), and broadcast feed at about 7pm every night

Do You Have a Favorite Fish and Why?
I dont think we have a "favorite", however we do enjoy the Flame Hawk. He will just perch in front of the glass and stare at you....

What Is Your Favorite Type of Coral?
That is always changing, we have a mixed reef and currently we are leaning towards SPS.

Big Congrates to Becca and Eric for an outstanding tank!!! As usual you get a Premium Membership, TOTM banner and a $ 50.00 gift certificate at the Sponsor of your choice.

good job

awsome news. ive enjoyed looking at your tank everytime i see one of yor posts, thru your siggy. so i am glad to see thst you won.
This is such an amazing honor to be recognized like this by this group at RF. We know and respect so many of you here it is hard to believe that our tank was selected over all the others that are out there. It is so young and we are so new to this hobby we can't help to be completely humbled by this. Thank you all so, so much for your support and recognition. As we mentioned in the article, we could not have even come close having a successful reef tank without all the friends we have met. There are so many more than we mentioned. THANK YOU!!!:humble:
Congrats you two,

This is well deserved. You two have worked very hard a putting together a quality reef anyone would be proud to own.

It is the small details and the do overs most people dont hear or know about that make this Tank worthy of this award.

Your choices and decisions from the equipment, to the rockscape, down to the cabinet colors show you put alot of thought and planning in this build.

Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!
VERY NICE! CONGRATS! And thank you both. You two have added or given so much back to our hobby and Reef Frontiers and definitely an honor to call you friends. As I've said many times now, you two have come so far in such a short time and what you have created in this beautiful Reeftank of yours definitely deserves praise and admiration.

Cheers, Todd
Congratulations Eric and Becca! I like everything about your tank. The stand is awesome and the lights are even better. I guess I'll read your write up now and take a look at some of your corals and fish. LOL
Sweet! You're love for the hobby shows in your aquarium. I'm kinda jealous. Someday I hope to have a tank as nice as yours. I look forward to watching this tank grow. deserve it!
Thank you for all the kind words everyone. We are completely honored. This build has been so fun. We can't wait to see the grow out as well. :D
Awesome tank, grats! I'd love to know more details on your light build :)

What would you like to know Shawn? We have a bunch of info on our build thread with pics as well (link in the signature). If you want more just let us know and we will answer anything.