Tragic loss in my reef...

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
vancouver wa
today I went to my garage to find my 42''x42'' cube full of almost all white sticks, over half my sps corals gone overnight. I have not yet figured out what happend but I lost several large acro colonies all my montis (idaho grape, red cap, green cap, purple rim cap, blue cap, pokerstar, superman, rainbow) and acros I lost my 8'' seattle sparkler colony, blue table acro, several valida tri colors, two bonsai's (thankfully not my Garf) and many frags...

I am super bummed about this! I will move on and soon setup a new reef tank... as for now I will try and salvage everything that is still kickin...

Pictures of most of the dead stuff (thats a Yard stick for size comparison)...

What could have done that??
I'm SOOO sorry for you Matt.
You had such nice colonies..

Let me know when you get a new tank going..
I'll have a frag of superman monti and some other frags for you of what you lost...
Just give me a shout bro
Sorry about your loss...
ahhh Matt, that's awful!! I'm so sorry to hear about this. I hope you're able to determine what caused this. You said you lost over half of your SPS. How are the remaining colonies looking? We'll be over your way the first week of July. I have some of what you lost. I'll bring you over some!!
I am so sorry for your losses. This is a reminder of how quickly something like this can potentially happen to any of us. If this happened to me, I would be heartbroken.

Any idea what brought this on? Did you have a heater malfunction? Did some foreign substance get into your tank?

Oh boy that sucks =( Seems like something went really wrong. Try runnign some carbon and check for anything leaking lots of voltage into your tank. Hopefully you can save the rest.
Wow Matt I am with Charlie what happened? Have you changed any lights? Water chemistry? Temps? sorry to see all that loss ...
Man that really does suck! Keep going man keep going!

Could you dry them out and sell them on cl or something? worth a try?
Condolences my friend, very painful to view.
Sure you already have done so, but check your ATO, Calcium reactors, and thermostat for malfunction. You would have smelled the problem before catastrophic if was nitrate based such as from a fish death first.
ok, so here is what I know. I know that my water chemestry is all fine but there was one fluke that I know of I will get to in a moment.
alk 9.2
amonia 0
nitrate 0
phos 0
calc 380
mag 1400
temp 76 (but being that it is in the garage something may have malfunctioned with out me knowing)

I believe this was from a salinity swing, as you all know I recently took down my 120 cube off this system and I foolishly gave no regard how much the smaller water volume was less stable, for instance with the water volume at 300 g as it was I could dump 10 gallons of fresh water in and have no ill effect. but now thats not the case.
abbout 2 weeks ago I realized my salinity had dropped way down to 1.018 and I adjusted it back to 1.026 over the course of 24 hrs and in the following 2 weeks no ill effects. I believe it just took longer than that to actually show the damage done.
My other Idea is a possible heater controller failure that I did not catch. the temp is fine but may have swinged at one time with out me knowing. (I beleive this is a long shot on this one but it still is possible.)

as for those of you who so generously offered to replace my corals with frags I am very gratefull!!! how ever untill I figure out whats going on and get this system stable I will have to wait.

Hey Matt so sorry man after loosing so many of my things in my move I know just how much this sucks, I am sure you of all people will get it turned around and with all of the generous people on this board can get back some of the stuff you had fragged out over time. Goof luck my friend.
im sorry to hear that matt those were some awsome colonies. I hope you get your setup up and running again :). I also had some loses i guess it was a bad week for reefers haha. If my montis survive then ill frag u off some. i hope mine make it.