Tridacnid Work Shop

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Barry N.

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2004
San Diego
mojoreef ask that I do a work shop on clams so in the weeks to follow we will discuss.

1. The right environment.

2. Selection ( not just the pretties one ) :D

3. Acclimation

4. Water chemistry

5. Placement

6. Identification

And more great stuff. :)
Woo Wee with all of the recent break throughs, I'm sure more thought is incorporated when deciding "Hey I want a Clam"!

Look forward to the workshop!
I have a few excellent clam recipes! :D

hehe.. seriously, I've never kept a clam and I am sure this workshop will prove very informative to me! I look forward to learning about them~~ Thanks Barry!
First of all, make sure that your aquarium has been established long enough to support the needs of your new addition. A good indication of your aquarium’s suitability for Tridacnids is a nice growth of coralline algae.

Make sure that your fish and invertebrates are compatible with Tridacnids. Some cleaner shrimp have proven to be destructive to clams, nibbling on their mantles and otherwise preventing full expansion. Other fishes may also harass clams. For example, I once had a Copperband Butterfly that was introduced into an established aquarium that contained clams. It never bothered the clams at all, until one day I placed a few new clams into the aquarium and he attacked them within moments. Observation and careful selection of fishes is critical if you tend to be successful with clams. I found that a good reference book to see if you tank mates are compatible is Scott Michael’s, “Reef Fish“ Do some research first.

Tridacnids do not like a lot of water movement so plan a place where you are to place your clams. You don't want a large amount of water move because we have found that in most cases that will prevent the clams from fully extending their mantles.
about getting a cleaner shrimp

Again, cleaner shrimp are hit and miss. Most of the time if you see them on the mantles of the clam, it is normally after lights out.
Barry N. said:
Selection ( not just the pretties one ) :D

Awww, Barry - you know that's how I pick them.....I'm such a sucker for the bright colors and cool patterns. This will be a good one.

With regards to the "right environment" - it seems there are a lot of Clam and SPS tanks. Do clams do well in the lower nutrient environments of SPS tanks, or do they favor a bit of nutrients in the water?

hey i have a few questions, sorry if they are a little dumb but does the size of a tank matters ? and i was wondering if it's necesary to have a calcium reactor in order to keep a clam?
I'm in :) My Coral Beauty has bin banished to the 180(i don't think she minds)since she started shrimp,snails,crabs either
NaH2O said:
With regards to the "right environment" - it seems there are a lot of Clam and SPS tanks. Do clams do well in the lower nutrient environments of SPS tanks, or do they favor a bit of nutrients in the water?


That is an interesting question Nikki. I kind of wonder the same thing. Is it beneficial to have a sand bed bed if you are going to have clams?? :D :D

This is going to be a great workshop Barry, I'm looking forward to following it.
hey also wanna know if the gigas clams are hard to keep.
I only have soft corals in my 37 gal tank and one lps.
i don't have a calcium reactor and at this point i only add ph buffer to the tank.
do you think a clam would make it in a tank like this?
With regards to the "right environment" - it seems there are a lot of Clam and SPS tanks. Do clams do well in the lower nutrient environments of SPS tanks, or do they favor a bit of nutrients in the water?

They do favor a bit of nutrients in the water. When I had my own 180 set up it was just SPS and clams and they all did well.

does the size of a tank matters ? and i was wondering if it's necesary to have a calcium reactor in order to keep a clam?

The more water volume the better so there will be less chemistry swings such as salinity. Calcium reactor is not requires as long as you try to keep you CA up over 400ppm.

no shrimp,snails,crabs either

We have found that shrimp are hit and miss and some crabs are worse than others.

Is it beneficial to have a sand bed bed if you are going to have clams??

One of the nices SPS and clams tanks that I have seen had was bare bottom.

hey also wanna know if the gigas clams are hard to keep.

Tridacna gigas are one of the easest to keep IMO but would suggest a much larger tank as they grow very large and very quick. ;)
i'm sorry if i'm asking to many questions, but i really wanna know as much as i can before adding a clam.
my husband likes the T. Maximas are they to hard to keep?
and i've also seen that some of them get pinched mantle, how can you prevent that from happening?
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