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Oct 19, 2005
South Africa
Hi guys-gals.
pls help. I bought my second piccaso trigger(1st one i sold) I love triggers. now i have my eye on a clown trigger and a niger trigger what views do u guys have on this.I have a four foot tank, some live rock, a purple tube anemone, two feather duster tubes,two blue damsels,one convict tang,one fales clown, one wrasse and one picasso trigger.pls advise as to how many triggers i can keep and all other information that u would like to share with me. i have read up but i am still not satisfied. Thank u.
As you might very well know triggers are just messy eaters, heavy poopers, big waste producers, yet they're amazingly beautiful and full of character by stating you have a 4 ft tank it could be a variety of different volume tanks a little more detailed info might help more in the future but still i think that it would be a no go. By looking at your stocking list i wouldn't reccomend adding another major waste producer in that tank.
I kinda agree with gman0526. That's a lot of load (ie for me personally) and triggers are heavy poopers etc. What are you using for filtration...Like are you using bio-balls or LR for filtration? Also, what are your water parameters usually like with the load you already have (ie ammonia, nitrite, nitrate etc)? That may deterime a bit for you if the tank can handle anymore load, or atleast the load that is usually accompanied with a fish like a trigger.
Thanks guys. I am running a sump with bio balls,3kg alpha krog, Filter wool, 3kg ceramic rings. Nitrate sponge(kent Marine) 300 gal protien skimmer that runs 24/7.
I do water test every week and all seems to be fine. phosphates slightly high. no ammonia. ph is fine. 30 kg live rock.Water change twice a month. pls let me know what u guys think.
IMO you will likely add a murderer into your tank. 3 Triggers in a 4' tank is not advisable. They are aggressive fish, and they get quite large. So cramping them into a 4 foot tank is not a good idea. The other fish will not have a chance eventually.
The niger would be your best choice because they are the most docile trigger.(but they still are a trigger will behave like a trigger)
The clown trigger is highly aggresive, and I think they get about 20 inches i disagree with adding this trigger to your tank.
(ever walk into the lfs that had a clown trigger??? ever put you finger on the glass, and watch him try to eat you???)

And i agree with gman about the bio load of another messy fish!
I have a clown trigger, and turbo snails are more aggressive than this guy, every fish is different and granted, mine is only 2 inches long. I have been thinking about adding him to my reef, it has a light bioload, he doesn't go after crabs, shrimp or snails. he does like cocktail shrimp! and he has not gone after my hand once, time will tell.. his personality could change anytime!
I would look at the blue jaw and possibly niger but the niger gets big.. The only one I think is meaner than the clown is the undulated or orange striped.
so far so good

Hi all, just to let u guys know i have decided on going predator tank. i have went against u guys advice, sorry. i now have 4 triggers in my tank. the first that was added was the piccaso, second was a niger,third was another niger and last was a clown trigger. i feed twice a day on frozen brine shrip alternate with flakes and morsels and a treat of live brine on fridays. all parameters test fine, phosphates still a bit up. must say that tank has not been rearranged yet. clown trigger is still very passive,picasso aggressive with niger @ feeding time otherwise all live in harmony. will keep u guys updated as to changes. next on list is a snow flake morray eel.
if u would like to chat i can be found on skype user name-samierallow
or mail me @ [email protected]
Hide all power cords in schedule 80 pvc. Triggers, especially clowns, love to "Taste" everything, including electrical equipment.
Good for you samier! Glad to see someone doing what they want and not what everyone else wants them to do(LOL) I hope you don't run into any problems though. Good luck with your triggers!

BTW, welcome to RF afishyonados! Glad to see a new memeber join us here!