Tropic marine

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May 15, 2006
GOt a crazy crazy deal on a berlap sack bag of Tm salt, its like 100 lbs maybe????

(makes 300 gals i think)

anyone know about this stuff??? ever seen big bags on Tm salt?
my ph is not normal, usely its 8.2

but its around 8 now???/

meny water changes......

do you think that cause i did a water change early'r ...... what do you think?

i think tomarrow i will run a complete water test......

i used some of this new (big bag of tm salt) "not from a bucket"

Could be from the new salt. I'd allow it time to completely dissolve and things to balance out over night and see what it's like tomorrow like you said:)
Try mixing in a 1 gallon container with ro water or whatever you use for water changes. Do some water tests and see what it is straight outta the bag.
i just need to make sure that its the same as whats in the bucket.....

i mean its says Tropic marine.... and thats what it is.... cause i oped the bag in his store... he gave me about 5 scoops so i had enough for 2 water changes bewtween wensdays and next wendsday

"DOwn side"!!!! theres no down side.... im paying half of what a bucket cost's and get 3 times more then a bucket...... great deal one in a life time kinda deal...... the only thing is the guy isnt gonna owe me anything after this bag... so

i guess ill mix up that like you said and test in in a little..
TM is a great salt. i used it and the pro version for over 3 years. they are both very consistent. the only reason i stopped using it is price
OK, but im talking spacificaly about the large bag of salt (more then buckets sold in stores)

same stuff right

bucket and bag?
Salt in a burlap bag?? Check the spelling? Is it Topic Marin or Tropic Marine they are not the same thing.

OH boy!!

i didnt take notice to that.... maybe thats why ive never seen Tropic marine in a huge burlap bag.... maybe cause its Topic marine....

good CALL! don.
Il be sure to check that out b4 i conferm

just check out some sights, Tropic marine sells a 300 gallon bag im pritty sure thats what it was..

guess next week ill find out
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Well, i just tested water...

no2 and phosphat are like less then undetectable.... :)!!!

alk is 2.5 meq/l

ph is like 7.9 tested 3 times with 3 diffrent kits.... :-(!!!

CA 350, just bufferd with liquid Ca, will check ageain later also with ph.....

mag 1410
Yes, Tropic Marin does come in a 1200 l / 300gal sack. It is the same salt. Analytically speaking, TM is about the best salt there is. The sack should have plastic liner. Without one, I would hate to think what moisture/humidity would do to it :D
ya thats the one.... im geting it for like almost nothing.... less then a bucket... so its a good deal..

i just put half of in in a bucket and the other half in storage.