trouble with my montis

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Well-known member
May 17, 2008
Moscow, ID
I have a M. digitata and M. cap that are approximately the same level in my tank and recieve about the same flow. What I thought was unusual was that the digitata has begun to pale while the M. cap is browning a little. I was under the impression that they had similar light requirements. Any ideas?

What type of lighting do you have? Is one receiving more shade than the other? Is one getting a different flow pattern than the other? Have you tested nitrates? Is the cap getting detritus built up on it?

Whenever I've had any of my Montis brown out, it's usually because of nitrate levels, not lighting. I have had some of them brown out and not others.
No they are on either side of the same rock and get about the same flow...there was no detritus in the cap...they are both growing and have polyp extension (nitrates are 0)
T5s will definitely help, though I've had Orange M. cap in my 46 under PCs and it held it's color very well. I put a frag of mine in the 46 as an experiment. It grew well and held it's color. I was a bit surprised. My Purple Rimmed M. cap was a different story. It grew well, but browned out under PC lighting. Colored back up quickly when I returned it to the 75, under T5s.
yeah they're fairly new and I was suspecting the lighting to be the problem. I just found it curious that the two specimens are reacting so differently...I guess they're all individuals
check your alkalinity. M. Digit fades when my water is dirty or alk is low.

*and of course... the solution to polution is ... um.... um... I forgot.
I think it's the lighting. In the past I have grown both under pc's but the colors didn't pop until i upgraded my lighting.
No dead fact, they're still growing. Actually, I have moved them around some and the corals are starting to get their normal colors back.