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Sep 15, 2005
Fife, WA
I have a small 25-gallon reef tank. Inhabitants include a Percula clown with it's mated anemone, brittle star, emerald crab, various snails and hermit crabs, pulsating xenia, star polyps, mushroom polyps, yellow sponges, feather dusters and tube anemonies. Recently I have been trying to add another fish to the tank. Every one starts off seeming fine, eats well. But then every one stops eating has dies within three weeks. These include a six-line wrasse, zebra damsel, yellow-tail blue damsel and a cardinal pajama. Water tests bring up consistant readings at 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates, 0 amonia, ph is 8.2. Plus all inverts see to be thriving, and the Percula seems happy and healthy through all of this. He shows no signs of bullying the new tank inhabitants either. Any ideas? Something in the water that I'm not testing for?

Incidently I'm running a Protien skimmer, 10 gallon refugium with macro algae. I use De-Ionized water or purified sea water for top offs and partial water changes. Thanks for any help anyone can provide.


I don't have nearly the knowledge that Steve does about fish... but do have a couple questions that may help give Steve more to work on once he responds to your problem.

When you get these new fish... are you taking the time to Quarantine them? Have you purchased all of the above fish from the same source? (Same store???). Have you noticed any discoloration or spotting on the fish?

It’s possible that the fish you have added have Ick, or some form of bacterial infection... that if they weren’t quarantined, could be affecting them.

Just a thought... and something to help give Steve more information.

Thanks Ed. That was the one thing I was suspecting as well, but I have never seen any indication of ick-like spots or areas. They have been bought from several different stores. I haven't been quarantining my new acquisitions against advice to do so, so I should probably adopt the practice. :oops: I'm usually careful to buy only fish I see eating well and looking healthy in the stores, but quite possibly that is not enough. The one thing that gave me doubts is that the Percula doesn't seem to be infected.

I appreciate your help!
Wish I was able to be more help... but once Steve gets here, I'm sure he will have some ideas for you!

Keep us posted please!
You mention "mated anemone", is that more than one or just the clown/anemone bond? Which species of anemone and how large?

An odd question, but have any of the decedents been shaped funny curved, twisted of normal and straight?

When you acclimate the new fish to your 25 how do you go about it?
Hi Steve,
By mated I meant the clown/anemone bond. The aenmone is a white bubble .....about softball size.

Fish have shown no abnormal shapes. They generally start out well. Healthy appetites. But then after a week to 3 weeks, stop eating and soon perish.

The method I've been using to acclimate is placing the bagged fish in a container with a slowish air-hose drip until the water volume has about doubled. Then remove half of that water and repeat again to double the volume before transferring the fish. Takes usually about 25-35 minutes. I never net the fish and only transfer a very small portion of the water (usually just enough to keep specimen submerged) into my tank.

Thanks for taking the time to help!
It very much sounds like acclimation stress. I would be very surprised if if was not something as simple as a sharp salinity increase. Do you re-acclimate for temp after being in the bucket so long before they go in the tank.

Next time you buy a fish, check the salinity of the water as well as the ammonia and such. There's a good chance the problem is arising there. If the fish where acclimated to a QT instead, these issues would be easily overcome.

How is the clowns girth, appetite and what foods do you normally feed? How long have you had the clown and was it ever treated for Brooklynella, worms or any other problems? I doubt any problems there but just want to be sure.
I've had the clown now for over a year. He's seems well proportioned and his appetite is very good. Never turns down food. I feed a him a variety of foods. Frozen Mysis and Brine Shrimp, Marine Flake, tubiflex worms on occasion. I have also tried a few pellet foods but he seems to ignore those for the most part. I've never treated for Brooklynella bascially because I've never noticed any of the stringy type poop I've heard will accompany that parasite.

I am going to go out tonight to purchase what I need to setup a quarantine tank! Always something I knew I should do.
Follow up later if you can with the salinity and such of your next purchase and post the parameters of your 25 gal. I'm fairly certain that will be your answer.

As for the clown, stringy feces does not imply Brooklynella. That is an internal ailment. Either worms, bacteria or completely different parasites.