Tubipora musica Help Please

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Jun 3, 2006
Bellingham, WA
Tank Info and perameters:

55 - Hex (Total Volume ~60G)
5 Gal sump/overflow
Seachem PhosGaurd in filterbag in overflow (Cleaned weekly)
Coralife SuperSkimmer 65
130w PC, 1x65w Actinic03 1x65w 10K
Lighting cycle: 9am - 9pm Actinic 03, 11am - 7pm 10K, 9pm - 9am moonlights.
45lbs LR
10lbs Crushed Coral
Inhabitants listed in Signature
Last Water change 25% (15G performed 6/21/06, performed weekly)

Temp: 78.9 (coralife digital thermometer)
SG: 1.024 (Refractometer)

Tests with Dr. Wellfish kits:
PH: 8.3
NH3/NH+4: 0 ppm
NO2-: 0 ppm
NO3-: ~20 ppm
PO3-4: ~.5 ppm
CA: 400
dKH: 17

I know the NO3- is on the higher side, I don't have any hair algae to speak of although it was a major problem about 3 months ago which I have been working hard to rectify, it was much higher and everything has been doing pretty well at this level, I'm just having some issues getting is below the 20 mark and am now working on adjusting my feeding amounts to get this under control as well and discontinuing the small amount of flake and pellet food.
I feed frozen mysis, krill, angel formula and formula 2, Brown and Red Seaweed and DT's once a week.

Now that all of that is out of the way I introduced a Tubipora musica about 6 weeks ago and it has been doing very well until this past Sunday when I moved it to a new spot in the tank to make way for a frogspawn and cabbage. It of course closed up when it was moved and I expected that, on Tuesday it had not opened back up so I moved it again a bit closer to where it was doing so well and monitored, it is slowly starting to open up now but it is still making me nervous. I did some more reading on the species and saw that you need to be sure to keep detrius and algae from growing in the pipe so yesterday I gave it a soft 'dusting' utilizing my baster to blow it off, not much was on it though. They say pictures are worth a thousand words so here they are.

This first picture is from about a week ago prior to the moving of it, after about 5 weeks in the tank.
View attachment 13667

This is from early this morning, I circled in red some yellow stuff that I see, in one spot it looks as if it has turned a lighter pink, is this a good or bad sign? Looks like it could be possibly growing more skeleton or worse not doing so well, I'm really not sure and could not find reference to this online. I'm tempted to remove it with some tweazers but thought best to consult some experts before trying anything. When I last looked about an hour ago it does look as if it is opening up rather slowly.

View attachment 13668

It may be nothing to worry about but it does have me a little concerned, all other creatures are doing well.

Thank you in advance for your advice and expertise.

Bump.....anybody have any input?????

It was opening a little more today right before the lights went out but it still has a ways to go......
they really are quite hardy once established... but are admittedly a bit more senstive to moves than other corals. The first move was necessary/desired and tolerable... but any moves after that (repetitive) in one week is really quite stressful.

That said, this coral may simply need time to adjust to the change in light and water flow. Most aquarists really don't understand or appreciate how significant the differences can be in those two parameters within the small spaces of their tank.

If you have no nuisance algae or sediments on the colony, I say be patient and let it adjust. I have had transplanted Tubipora take over one month to regain former splendor. No worries.
Thank you very much Anthony, it is opening a bit more today, will just keep an eye on it and hope for the best.

